South Ural State University
Office 250, University Building 2
85, Prospect Lenina
Теl.: + 7 351 267 91 22
Assistant Director Andrei KarpinskiiPh.D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor karpinskiiav[at]susu[dot]ru, +7 351 267-94-80
Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest cademic areas of our university, its history and development coincides with the most significant stages of machine building development in Russia. Our graduates can operate any state-of- the-art equipment. The organizational structure of the rea includes research and education centre "Machine Building" equiped with small-sized training and industrial machines produced by such firms as: MORI, SEIKI, Sodick, HURCO, EMCO etc. Our professors lead the students research in applied problem solving in machine building field and labour safety.
Fields of Study
- 20.05.01 Fire Safety.
- 15.03.05 Engineering and Technological Support of Machine-Building Production (Program: Mechanical-Engineering Technology);
- 15.03.04 Automation of Technological Processes and Production;
- 27.03.02 Quality Management (Program: Quality Management in Production-and-Technology Systems);
- 20.03.01 Теchnosphere Safety.
- 15.04.04 Autonation of Thechnological Processes and Production.
- 15.04.05 Engineering and Technological Processes od Machine-Building Production (Program: Ensurence of Effectiveness of Product Life Cycle Technological Processes)
- 27.04.02 Quality Management (Program: Quality Management in Production-and-Technology Systems);
- 20.04.01 Тechnosphere Safety (Programs: Labour Safety, Fire Safety, Waste Recycling and Retreatment).
Research Areas
- Engineering Technology (production and accuracy of manufacturing on machine with NPC, development of cutting instruments, screwing tap design, theory of multifactorial evaluation of machinability, development of grinding sequence, electric powered diamond grinding).
- Mechanical Assembly Production Automation (design, technology and automation in mechanical engineering).
- Life Safety Management (investigation of field distribution of commercial frequency in industries, risk safety management, manufacturing technology of carbon-containing refractory products, education quality management).
Contact Us
Рrincipal Researchers:
Dr. Igor Shchurov
E-mail: shchurovia[at]susu[dot]ru
Dr. Alexander Diakonov (abrasive processing)
E-mail: diakonovaa[at]susu[dot]ru
Dr. Victor Batuev (mathematical modelling of cutting)
E-mail: batuevvv[at]susu[dot]ru