Summer Language Training


SUSU students have the opportunity to undergo language training in French at the Nice Sophia Antipolis University.

The summer school educational program is not just daily training in French, but also a variety of conferences in French and English about different topics – law, economics, politics – and also a cultural program.


For the last 7 years, SUSU students have had a unique opportunity to participate in the work of the summer language school in Freiburg (Germany). This school is held at the Freiburg Mining Academy, one of the most popular higher education institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The summer language school program in Freiburg includes a full range of interesting and diverse events for students of our university.

The Czech Republic

An educational program for the organization of training for students studying in the areas of Journalism, Public Relations, Political Science, and International Relations. At the same time, this program will be of interest to those who have never worked in journalism, but would like to try their hand in this area.

The selection process for this program is held two times a year – in November for the winter courses and in May for the summer courses.


The summer school is for those who wish to use their summer effectively – the Spanish language summer school at the University of Cadiz.

SUSU students are invited to participate at a special price as students of a parnter university.

The summer school lasts 3 weeks and includes an intensive course in Spanish (the level is chosen freely), and also a cultural entertainment program.

Boarding for participants is offered by Spanish host families, which allows for full immersion in the Spanish way of life.


Harbin Polytechnical University is one of the best universities in China and a friendly partner of the South Ural State University.


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