100400.62 – Tourism
qualification received - bachelor of tourism
100400.68 – Tourism
qualification received - master of tourism
101100.62 - Hotel Services
qualification received - bachelor
100103.65 - Sociocultural Service and Tourism
qualification received - Professional training is given in hotel services and resort services.
100200.62 – «Tourism»
qualification received - bachelor of tourism
100400.62 - Tourism (bachelor)
Focuses (profiles): Technologies and Organization of Tour Operator and Tourist Agency Services (full-time or part time)
Qualification: bachelor’s
Length of study: 4 years (full-time), 5 years (part time)
Graduating department: The Department of Tourism and Sociocultural Service
This program is one of the nine programs of South Ural State University which was included as one of the best academic programs of innovative Russia according to the Best Programs of Innovative Russia project, whose organizers included the magazine Accreditation in Education, the National Center of Social and Professional Accreditation, and the Guild of Experts in Professional Education.
The academic program is executed by highly qualified staff: 3 doctors of science, 7 candidates of science, and also representatives the tourism industry.
This academic program aims to train competitive, highly qualified staff for businesses of the tourism industry by forming students’ personal traits.
The goal of the academic process is to form among specialists general cultural (scientific, social, and instrumental) and professional skills using practically-oriented education as one of the scientific areas of the university.
During their education, students receive knowledge in humanities and social and economic disciplines (foreign language, basics of social government, historical and cultural regional studies, world culture and art, geopolitics, oral communication); mathematical and natural science disciplines (country studies, socioeconomic geography, tourism resource studies, ecological monitoring of tourist regions); professional disciplines (tourism and recreational design, organizing tourism, technology and organization of food service, hotel service, transport and excursion services, safety of touristic trips, museum and exhibition work, animation and leisure activities, advertisement and health technologies in tourism).
Bachelors of tourism work on the development and realization of tourism and services in professional spheres in the sociocultural area of tourist regions.
The result of education is readiness for various kinds of work in the tourist industry (organizing service for consumers of tourism services, designing tourism programs, organizing creation and management at businesses of the tourism industry, implementation of innovative technologies at businesses of the tourism industry using a scientific approach and principles of tourism design.
Graduates of the department work in various regions of Russia at businesses in the tourism industry, sociocultural services, sanatoriums and resort complexes, the restaurant industry, and the hotel industry.
In the academic process of each semester such forms of education as interactive practicums are used, wherein students travel to cultural and historical centers of the Ural region, Povoljia, Siberia and abroad, lead and organized by students of the later courses.
The department holds an All-Russian Student Olympiad, Tourist Mecca (For All Wandering Optimists) and scientific conferences and exhibitions of student work (Regional Gold), in which around 300 representatives of Russian educational institutions participate yearly.
100400.68 Tourism (master’s)
Area of study (profile): General Theory of Tourism and the Tourism Industry (full-time study)
Qualification: master’s
Length of study: 2 years (full-time study)
Graduating department: The Department of Tourism and Sociocultural Service
The goal of the program is to develop the needed personality trains among students and form their general cultural (scientific, social, and instrumental) and professional skills in the educational area 100400 - Tourism. While forming the goals of the master’s program, its unique qualities are taken into account to prepare graduates in the areas of design and the tourism industry, as well as the unique qualities of the university’s scientific school and the needs of the labor market.
In the area of professional training, the goal of the master’s program is:
- broad, systemic training of graduates in the basics of humanitarian, social, economic, mathematic, and natural science knowledge;
- mastery of the skills which allow the graduate to work successfully in hotel and tourist businesses after receiving their higher education;
- acquisition among graduates of the universal and specific skills which will allow their social mobility and competitiveness in the labor market;
- formation among graduates of professional orientation on the completion of post-graduate and additional educational programs;
- formation of the ability to independently solve issues needing an innovative approach;
- development of the ability to find non-standard organizational and managerial solutions.
A master’s student in the area 100400 - Tourism - must be able to solve the following professional issues according to their field of work:
- design;
- industrial technology;
- organizational management
- service;
- scientific research.
Competitive advantages of the program
Graduates receive skills in analysis, forecasting, and design in the tourism industry.
According to the governmental standards, the academic section, Practicums and Research Work, is mandatory in the master’s program. This section focuses directly on the professional, practical training of students. Completion of this master’s program includes the following kinds of practical and research work:
- scientific research;
- production;
- scientific production work.
Research work is mandatory for master’s students, the goal of which is to form the general cultural (universal) and professional skills needed according to the required standards and goals of the master’s program. It is possible to take an active part in research and complete independent scientific research within the department’s areas of study which allows the department to form research skills among students, equip them with the methods of advanced managerial diagnostics, simulation, and forecasting, and the ability to develop new projects and unsure their innovative techniques.
Unique features of the program
The master’s program is unique because of its professional goals, which are focused on the needs of regions and sectors of tourism management. The program is also unique due to graduates’ broad range of professional work and its focus on the needs of the tourism industry using modern scientific and technical achievements.
Graduates’ skills
Graduates of the Tourism master’s program are professionals in design, industrial and technological work, organizational management, service, and research and have such professional skills as the ability to:
- develop strategies for developing tourist work on the federal, regional, and local level;
- create new tourism projects;
- apply methods of analysis, development, and problem solving in the tourism industry;
- calculate technological risks;
- be ready for the implementation of modern systems of standardization;
- master approaches and methods of working with staff;
- estimate and execute the technical and economic validation of innovative projects;
- develop and implement normative documentation in the standardization, certification, and quality of tourist goods and services;
- be ready to use modern achievements in science and breakthrough technologies in research work in the tourism sphere;
- present results of scientific research in the area of tourism in the form of statements, reports, applied developments, abstracts, publications, public discussions, etc.
101100.62 Hotel Services (bachelor’s)
Qualification: bachelor’s
Length of study: 4 years (full-time), 5 years (part time)
Graduating department: The Department of Tourism and Sociocultural Service
This program is one of the nine programs of South Ural State University which was included as one of the best academic programs of innovative Russia according to the Best Programs of Innovative Russia project, whose organizers included the magazine Accreditation in Education, the National Center of Social and Professional Accreditation, and the Guild of Experts in Professional Education.
The academic program is executed by highly qualified staff: 2 doctors of science, 8 candidates of science, and representatives of the hotel industry.
The goal of this academic program is to train competitive, highly qualified staff for businesses in the hotel industry by forming future specialists’ professional and personal qualities. Graduates of the department work in various regions of Russia in hospitality businesses, in sanatoriums and resorts, and in restaurants.
Having received a bachelor’s in Hotel Services, it is possible to work as a manager of middle and higher echelons at businesses of the hospitality industry (in hotels, hotel resorts, or at tourist complexes), or form your own business. The program provides for the completion of three kinds of practicums (educational, industrial, and pre-diploma). Во время обучения в вузе у студентов есть возможность прохождения практики на базе ведущих гостиничных предприятий города (гостиница «Отель SMOLINOPARK» Челябинск, гостиница «Березка» и др.).
While studying, students receive knowledge in the area of humanitarian, social, and economic disciplines (foreign language, basics of social government, historical and cultural regional heritage, world culture and art, geopolitics, oral communications); mathematic and natural science disciplines (country studies, socioeconomic geography, tourism resource studies, ecological monitoring of tourist regions); professional disciplines (humans and their needs, service work, world hospitality, basics of hospitality and hotel work, techniques, organization, and design of hotel work, management and marketing for hotels, standardization and control of hotel service quality, safety in hotels, documentation support of management in the hospitality industry, equipment and organization of hotel complexes, animation in hotel complexes, organization of main and complementary hotel services, functional and spatial organization of hotels, design, analysis, and accounting at hotels.)
Bachelors of hotel services work in the development and realization of services in the hospitality industry of tourist regions.
As a result of this educational program, graduates are ready for various kinds of work in the hospitality industry (organizing customer service in hotels, design of hotel services and service technologies, organizing processes of production and management in hotels, implementation of innovative technologies in hotels using scientific approaches and principles of activity planning for hotels.)
Graduates can work in the following professions:
- Hostess;
- Hotel administrator;
- Hotel manager;
- Maitre d’.
In the academic process of each semester such forms of education as interactive practicums are used, wherein students travel to cultural and historical centers of the Ural region, Povoljia, and Siberia. Students of the later courses of study organize and develop the interactive practicums and design tours and excursions under the guidance of professors. The department also organizes international internships in hotels, where the best students gain work experience and receive the appropriate certificate.
The department holds the Hospitality Mecca and Regional Hospitality olympiads as part of the Russian Student Olympiad, Tourist Mecca, as well as scientific conferences and exhibitions of student work, in which more than 100 representatives of Russian educational institutions take part.
The academic program Hotel Services enables the effective training of specialists for the hospitality sector of the economy. The long-term benefits of choosing an education in the Hotel Services program are determined by the development of restaurant and hotel businesses in the Russian Federation.