Postdocs SUSU

The employment of young scientists with experience in leading universities of the world to SUSU is being implemented at the university within the framework of the Priority 2030 Program. It is a very common world practice to attract young scientists from other universities with work experience on topics similar to the main scientific topics. The involvement of postdocs allows universities and world scientific centers to exchange experience, support each other, establish new scientific contacts and, in the future, collaborations, gives a new impetus to research, allows you to look at them in a new way. Young scientists brought to SUSU as postdocs can work at the university on a permanent basis for two years.

Postdocs of SUSU

Kandagalla Shivananda

Research laboratory of Computer Modeling of Medicines named after Potemkin V.A.

Maria Grishina

Research Gate profile

Pathak Prateek

Research laboratory of Computer Modeling of Medicines named after Potemkin V.A.

Maria Grishina

Research Gate profile

Krishnamoorthy Gurushankar

Research laboratory of Computer Modeling of Medicines named after Potemkin V.A.

Maria Grishina

Research Gate profile

Bagale Uday Dasharath

International Laboratory for the Synthesis and Analysis of Food Ingredients

Irina Potoroko

Research Gate profile

Dawei Zhao

Department of Equipment and Technologies of welding production

Mikhail Ivanov

Research Gate profile

Kanthapazham Rajakumar

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Dmitriy Zherebtsov

Research Gate profile

Cortes Mendoza Jorge Mario

International Laboratory of Problem-oriented Cloud Environments

Andrey Chernykh


Research Gate profile

Ostovari Moghaddam Ahmad

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Crystal Growth Laboratory

Evgeniy Trofimov

Research Gate profile

Cmovzh Timofey

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Oleg Rakirin

Research Gate profile

Popov Vadim

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Oleg Rakirin

Google Scholar profile

Mihailov Maxim

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Oleg Rakirin

Personal page

Truhanov Aleksey

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Crystal Growth Laboratory

Denis Vinnik

Research Gate profile

Zhivulin Vladimir

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Denis Vinnik

Research Gate profile

Bolshakov Oleg

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Vyacheslav Avdin

Google Scholar profile

Beloglazova Natalia

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Vyacheslav Avdin

Research Gate profile

Sakhapov Ilyas

Scientific and Educational Center “Nanotechnologies”

Dmitriy Zherebtsov

Research Gate profile

Makarov Gennadiy

Scientific laboratory of Multiscale modeling of multicomponent functional materials

Ekaterina Bartashevich

Research Gate profile

If you wish to apply for a postdoctoral position at South Ural State University, please send your motivation letter, application form, and your CV to irc[at]susu[dot]ru.


International Research Collaboration
South Ural State University
Office 461, Main University Building
Tel.: + 7 351 265 38 04 +7 351 267 97 98
E-mail: irc[at]susu[dot]ru


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