SI2 aim: To enhance staff members' professional skills and boost their productivity.
Key personnel recruitment
SUSU intends to accomplish this goal by recruiting academics and administrators from leading Russian and international universities, and through advanced training of its own staff members. The recruitment of qualified international staff members requires
- better visibility for the University's leading academics and research activities;
- research grants to ensure competitive compensation packages for international academics;
- mandatory KPIs to measure academic units’ performance in recruiting international academics;
- accelerated transition to a bilingual environment;
- experienced top-level administrators with international reputation to enhance SUSU’s international network and credibility.
Main actions for implementing SI2
In personnel training and development within SI1, SUSU will focus on improving critically important skills, such as communication skills, publishing activity, English language skills, and the use of advanced educational technologies. SUSU will accomplish these objectives by implementing mechanisms involving micro grants and bonuses, career development for advanced training, non-financial incentives and KPI-based contracts. In late 2015, SUSU adopted a brief, universal list of KPIs for employment contracts with a focus on achieving Program 5-100’ major objectives.
The SI2 implementation will enable SUSU to achieve parity with the world's leading universities in terms of the diversity of its staff members and their productivity.