
News about culture, music, art etc

African Culture Day is to Be Held at SUSU

African Culture Day is to take place at South Ural State University on April 26.This holiday, organised by SUSU students from African countries, is to be held at the Activity Hall for the second time.

SUSU actively develops cooperation with African countries. Presently, there are more than 30 students studying at SUSU and representing 11 African countries: Guinea, Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Students from these countries will present their culture and perform national songs and dances.

SUSU Student Takes a Prize in the 2019 Student Leader of the Chelyabinsk Region Competition

The 2019 Student Leader of the Chelyabinsk Region competition wrapped up in the South Ural region. From April 12th through April 14th, representatives of the region’s higher education institutions fought to win and be granted a right to go on to the District round. SUSU was represented by students Aleksey Kosarev and Vlada Nedotko.

We Are All Different, but We Are Together: International Festival to Be Held at SUSU

On April 22nd and 23rd, the 5th International Festival “We Are All Different, but We Are Together” will be held at South Ural State University, in which SUSU students of various nationalities will participate.

Every year, the festival is organized by the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications with the support from the Sociocultural Adaptation Centre.

Master classes will be held on April 22nd:

In Memory of the Great Heroic Act: SUSU Invites to Rehearse the Victory Waltz

South Ural State University invites students to the rehearsals of the Victory Waltz. This year’s dance flashmob, devoted to the heroic act of the Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, will be held at the university square in front of the main SUSU building on May 7th at 13:00.

SUSU Students Took Part in the Festival of Co-creation final «You are not alone!»

On April 7th, on stage of Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture and Arts the final of the 16th Regional Festival of Co-creativity “You Are Not Alone!” was held. 

The members of the SUSU Headquarters of Student Labour Unions together with children from social rehabilitation centres and children’s homes prepared performances under different categories: Puppet Show; Theatrical Art; Applied Arts Creativity; and Dance Theatre. 

Cosmonautics Day

April 12 is a special day for Russia as the country commemorates Yuri Gagarin’s first space flight. For over 50 years, we have felt pride for the triumph of the Soviet space program in putting the first man into space. On April 12, many Russian cities organise a variety of exhibitions, conferences, seminars, and film screenings dedicated to space.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

April 13, 10:00 - 18:00
Chelyabinsk Artists Union of Russia Exhibition Hall
Theatrical Fantasy


April Fools’ Day

April Fools' Day or Laughter Day as it is also called in Russia, is an international holiday celebrated on April 1 all around the world. On this day, people usually play funny pranks on their relatives and friends to have a laugh together.

SUSU Sports and Recreation Complex: Best Time off for Professors, Students and Kids!

South Ural State University provides its students, academic and administrative staff with all the opportunities not only for self-fulfilment, but for proper rest as well. They can recharge their batteries being away from the hustle and bustle of the city and get positive vibes in a pleasant atmosphere at the SUSU’s “Nepryakhino” Sports and Recreation Complex, which has been functioning for more than 60 years now.

Chelyabinsk Weekend Guide

Local’s guide on what to see and do

Dear Students!

There are tons of fun things you can do in Chelyabinsk. Below, we’ve picked some exciting events the city has to offer this weekend. It’s time to get some tickets and make those freedom evenings count! Don’t forget to leave your comment about the events on Vk and Facebook.

March 22, 19:40
Green Book


World Poetry Day

March 21 is a special day for those who cannot imagine their lives without books as the planet celebrates World Poetry Day. The best way to spend this day is, of course, to immerse yourself in reading your favourite poets and discover some new ones. It is impossible to make the ultimate list of the most talented and prominent poets of all time, as it all depends on who you ask. Below, we have devised a list of Russian “word masters’, well-known and admired in Russia and abroad.

SUSU Invites Everyone to Nowruz Celebration

On March 21st a celebration of Nowruz will be held at South Ural State University. The attendees will learn about the traditions of the Turkic peoples and will see the performances by SUSU international students in national garments.

Nowruz is the most important holiday of the year for many nations in Asia celebrating the coming of spring and of the New Year under solar calendar. It coincides with the vernal equinox, which falls on March 20th-21st every year, and symbolizes the beginning of new life and nature rejuvenation.

Spring at SUSU-2019 Festival: Students Show Their Talents

March 11th through 15th, the festival of student creative activities called “Spring at SUSU-2019” is being held at South Ural State University and the Mannequin Theatre Studio.

Every year, hundreds of students show their artistic abilities in various genres. On the 11th and 12th of March, selective stages were held, where students presented their performance numbers in four genres: theatre, music, dancing, and the original genre.

International SUSU Students Learned about the Traditions of Maslenitsa National Holiday

What is Maslenitsa, and what traditions it includes? International students of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of the Faculty of Pre-University Education have learned all the specifics of celebrating the week of bidding farewell to winter.

No Ladies Show: a Bright Performance on the Occasion of the International Women’s Day Held at SUSU

The atmosphere of creativity, bright performances and an ocean of smiles – that is how the International Women’s Day has been celebrated at South Ural State University. A No Ladies Show was held at SUSU for the fair sex representatives on the occasion of the 8th of March holiday.

The 20th Anniversary of Ascension to Parnassus Poetry Contest at SUSU

On March 13, the Ascension to Parnassus Poetry Contest will take place at South Ural State University. Young poets of SUSU will participate in the event.

Student Parnassus Literature Association was established as a part of SUSU Creativity Centre in 1999. Liliya Kuleshova, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, is its permanent leader. Fifteen collections of works came out under her authorship.

Greetings by SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov on the International Women’s Day

Dear colleagues, staff members, postgraduates and students!

Dear ladies!

Please accept my most sincere greetings on this wonderful holiday, the 8th of March or the International Women’s Day, and on the coming of spring!

Your beauty, kindness and warm heart are your great power! Every day you show your best qualities and make us, true men, admire you.

March 8: Most Beautiful Day of the Year

March 8 is not just another spring day in the calendar. It is the day when many countries celebrate International Women’s Day to recognise femininity and women’s achievements.

Winners of the Russia through the Eyes of Students Photo Contest Announced at SUSU

South Ural State University has announced the results of the Russia through the Eyes of Students photo contest, organised by the Extracurricular Activities Department and SUSU Photo School. The best works were also displayed at the traditional exhibition.

It is Time to Groove: the SUSU School of Sound Engineers and DJs Started its Classes

South Ural State University has a huge number of student associations and projects, where each student can choose the direction for creative self-realization. School of Sound Engineers and DJs is one of the most interesting for the modern young man.

A Holiday of Spring and Beauty: SUSU Holds a Concert in Honour of March, 8

South Ural State University will hold a concert devoted to the International Women’s Day in the Activity Hall.

March… the wakening of spring ... a month of warm sun. It is time that gives us one of the most beautiful holidays. International Women's Day, March 8, the holiday of the beautiful half of humanity!

Intellectual Quiz for Students Held at SUSU

On February 28th an intellectual event in the form of a quiz was held at the Volunteer House of South Ural State University.

A quiz is a trivia game, a team competition to test logic, mental agility and quick wits. In the recent years quizzes have become very popular and are held as part of many events all over the world.

It’s Time for Pancakes: Russian Maslenitsa

A week of festivities, gluttony, and all things pancakes – welcome to Russian Maslenitsa. Otherwise known as Pancake Week, Maslenitsa is a time when Russians make lots of blini or pancakes and burn effigies that represent winter. This year Maslenitsa takes place all across Russia on March 4-10.

Why Maslenitsa?

SUSU Students are Invited to Take Part in the My Country – My Russia Contest of Youth Projects

Students, postgraduates and young academics of SUSU are invited to take part in the 16th All-Russian contest of youth projects in the sphere of education called “My Country – My Russia”. This event is targeted at social and economic development of Russian territories.

The Contest has been held since 2003 in order to attract young people to development and implementation of projects intended for improvement of governing system in regions, cities and settlements of Russia as well as for development of real sector of the economy and of social and educational spheres.

Music Symbols of the Victory: a Concert by Military Orchestra Held at SUSU

On February 28, a concert performed by military orchestra of the affiliated branch of the Air Force Military Education and Scientific Centre of Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin” conducted by Yury Minin was held at South Ural State University.

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