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Distance Education at SUSU: Prestigious, Economical, Convenient

The Institute of Open and Distance Education (IODE) is an important division of South Ural State University. The main goal of the institute, which offers a full range of academic, consulting, and technical services, is to implement distance education technologies into the academic process at the university. Higher education at SUSU via distance education is simple, prestigious, economical, and convenient.

Scientific Dynasties: Pavel Chernogorov, the Founder of SUSU Foundry School

In 2018, South Ural State University celebrates its 75th anniversary. This year is the 110th anniversary from the birthday of Pavel Vasilyevich Chernogorov, a talented engineer and scientist. During the period of the World War Two, the technology of chill casting of tank turrets was organized under his supervision for the first time in the country, in the city of Omsk, at the Plant named after K.Voroshilov. Then, in 1957, Pavel Vasilyevich started working at CPI as Head of the Department of Foundry Production.

SUSU Students Took Part in Russian-German Summer School

In the German city of Freiberg, a Russian-German summer school featuring SUSU and Deutsches Studentenwerk (German Students’ Mutual Assistance Association) has finished. 19 Russian students within 3 weeks had been learning German language and getting acquainted with European culture.

During this period, school attendees visited the richest Reiche Zeche mine, where 8000 tons of silver had been extracted; the Terra Mineralia Mineralogical Museum, which exhibits the most beautiful gemstones from around the world; the Saxon Switzerland National Park; and the Freiberg Brewery.

SUSU Strengthened Its Positions in Webometrics Ranking

The Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities international project issued a ranking of universities and institutes, having evaluated their presence in the Internet. In the latest edition, SUSU climbed up for 141 positions and was placed the 1914th out of 12 000 universities included in the ranking.

International Views on South Ural State University

South Ural State University is building a strong academic and research reputation internationally. Scientists from more than 20 countries have already chosen SUSU as their reliable research partner. By offering modern technology and high-tech facilities, the University is committed to attracting leading researchers from around the world. South Ural State University aspires to do world-changing research in collaboration with international colleagues and successfully face the world’s challenges.

A Lecture on Color Designation in the World Nations’ Languages Held at SUSU

Within the frameworks of a strategy session of the Total Dictation, a lecture by expert Natalia Koshkareva was held at SUSU. The audience was told about words of color designation in Russian and other languages of the world’s nations.

Rector’s Hour: Aleksandr Shestakov Tells about Prospects of Studying at SUSU

A meeting of Rector Aleksandr Shestakov with the enrollees and their parents was held at South Ural State University. In the course of the event the 2018 university applicants were told about the advantages of studying at SUSU, and their most topical questions were answered.

SUSU Applicants Visit the Vysota 239 Production Facility

The Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant (ChelPipe) opened its doors for future students. SUSU applicants took a tour around the Vysota 239 workshop.

“The admissions campaign is active at this time. To help applicants who are enrolling in the Institute of Engineering and Technology choose their major, we have organized this tour at the innovative Vysota 239 workshop,” says Ivan Ilyin, Deputy Dean of the SUSU Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology.

Master’s Students in External Communications and Information Technology – Coveted Prey for Headhunters

Work or study? This exact question pops up in the minds of yesterday’s students after obtaining their Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees. A Bachelor’s degree, without a doubt, will help them make their first steps in their careers; however, a Master’s degree gives graduates better opportunities in the modern labor market. Master’s programs of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications train professionals in language studies, Russian as a foreign language, linguistics, and geoinformation systems.

SUSU Rector Spoke with ASRTU Partners about Cooperation with China

SUSU delegation, headed by Rector of the National Research University, took part in a Forum of Rectors of universities included in the Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU). The Forum was held in Yekaterinburg within the frameworks of Russia-China EXPO. The report presented by Aleksandr Shestakov impressed the colleagues by the intensity of SUSU’s cooperation with Chinese universities, as well as by the variety of cooperation areas.

“SUSU Gave Me Fundamental Knowledge.” Interview with a Faculty of History Graduate

Thousands of specialists in most various professions graduate from South Ural State University every year. Graduate of the Faculty of History Denis Kuznetsov, who works as a senior research fellow at the State Museum of Local History, shares on why he chose the Faculty of History, what the years of studying were like, and what he is grateful to the university for.

− Why in due time you chose SUSU and your speciality?

SUSU Student Gained Construction Experience at the Largest University in China

A 3rd year student of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction Anastasiya Larionova took part in a student exchange program between Zhejiang Ocean University and South Ural State University.

SUSU confidently supports student exchange programs. In particular, the university has established close ties with Zhejiang Ocean University. During the period from the beginning of March till the middle of June, 5 students from SUSU went to Zhoushan, and at the same time, 10 students from the Ocean University came to gain experience in construction at SUSU.

Public Relations and Advertising: SUSU Training Professionals of the 21st Century

On July 28th, PR specialists, whose creative work is closely related to advertising, celebrate their professional holiday. The leading specialist at SUSU in this field is Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Head of the Marketing and Strategic Communications Department, Professor Lidiya Lobodenko. Lidiya Kamilovna speaks about how graduates in this field become in-demand in the labor market.

– How did this profession appear in Russia?

Head of Expert Analytics Department of the Region Government: “SUSU is a Whole City of Knowledge”

South Ural State University provides students with a lot of possibilities for their self-realization. Specialists graduated from SUSU achieve the success in careers and work on the serious positions not only in the field of engineering but a humanitarian field as well. Head of Expert Analytics Department of the Chelyabinsk Region Government Anton Artemov told on the advantages which the SUSU student obtains when decides to connect his life with politics.

— Why did you decide to enter SUSU exactly?

More Than 500 Enrollees from Central Asia Submitted Their Documents at SUSU

Delegation from South Ural State University carried out a number of events in the countries of Central Asia. Vice-Rector for International Activity Olga Yaroshenko, Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Yulia Bolotina and an Analyst of International Affairs Office Mikhail Rukhtin. SUSU representatives visited 6 educational establishments of Tadzhikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in order to establish contacts and to promote the University in these countries.

SUSU Pushkin Institute Center Supporting the Promotion of Russian Language Abroad

At South Ural State University, much attention is paid to broadening the horizons of international partnership and the promotion of the Russian language and culture among foreign citizens. One of the most important divisions at the university which works on this task is the Pushkin Institute center.

Students from SUSU and from the Leading University of Kazakhstan Studying Media as Part of Academic Mobility

The academic mobility program is one of the most attractive forms of education for students. Its participants can gain unique experience and learn the basics of their future profession in a different language and cultural space.

One of these programs is being fulfilled jointly with L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University in Astana (Kazakhstan). Students of the journalism field will study at the foreign university for a semester, after which credits for the subjects they passed will be transferred to SUSU.

Summer School for Enrollees from China Starts Working at SUSU

68 Chinese students who completed their second year of education at the Huanghe Professional Hydroengineering University have arrived at the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction. During two months, the students will be studying subjects of their field and improving their knowledge of the Russian language.

What Can Hair Tell About? A Non-Invasive Diagnostics of Diseases Is Discovered at SUSU

It is an often case that one’s health and life depend on as quick a disease is found.  That is why today the ways of quick and effective revealing of a disease is one of the most important directions in medicine. At present one of the unique SUSU projects in this field is being carried out.

“Non-invasive diagnostics of different forms of health problems” is a project that will allow health professionals to discover traces of any disease without a blood test. Human hair will become the material for investigation.

“Choosing Journalism Is Explained by the State of the Soul”: Interview with the Dean of the SUSU Faculty of Journalism, Lyudmila Shesterkina

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Head of the SUSU Department of Journalism and Mass Communications, famous journalist Lyudmila Shesterkina tells us about how many applicants enrolled in the Faculty of Journalism, and where graduates go to work after completing their degrees.

– Tell us please, have you had more or less applicants this year in the journalism group compared to last year?

New Concrete Paving Machine to Improve the Quality of Russian Roads

In the Russian Federation, the paved road network is growing 7 times less per million people than in the developed countries of Europe and in the USA. Because of the large and frequent defects of the road surface, the average speed of auto transport on Russian roads is 2-3 times slower than in the developed countries. Researchers from South Ural State University have created a new concrete paving machine which principally changes the techniques of building roads and increases the quality of the road surfaces.

Goal – Quality Roads

SUSU to Create a Network of Centers to Promote Russian Language in China

One of the most important fields of development at South Ural State University is broadening international partnership, for which SUSU is actively working on creating and strengthening contacts with international academic organisations. A large number of SUSU’s partner universities are located in China. This year, the quality of the interaction with them can rise to a new level thanks to the university creating its own partner network of Pushkin Institute centers.

What Is It Important to Know For Future Sociologists? An Interview with Director of MarS Investigation Center Ivan Polukarov

Qualitative education and preceptors among teachers can play an important role in a student’s professional becoming. A graduate in the field of social studies of SUSU Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Director of Marketing and Sociology (MarS) Investigation Center Ivan Polukarov told on the role of South Ural State University in his career progression.

— Why did you choose SUSU for obtaining higher education?

Nyazepetrovsk as Viewed by Students of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction

Machine Workshop of Nyazepetrovsk Crane Building Plant, being an architectural and town planning monument, has become the main object of studying for a group of nine freshmen students and their lecturer Maria Fedorova.

Focus on Ancient Greece

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