
News about culture, music, art etc

From Drawing to Engraving – from Science to Art

Not too long ago a poll was held at SUSU in which the university’s international students participated. They chose the most interesting place in the university. In their opinion, it’s the SUSU Museum of Art. This is not surprising, as exhibitions of classical art from the country and region’s museums, modern and, of course, unique personal exhibitions, have been held here for almost 14 years. They bring students, professors, humanitarian and technical specialists, experts, and the university’s guests together in dialogue.

SUSU scientists built a unique collection of ancient artifacts

More than 10 000 priceless artifacts are displayed in the People and Technologies of the Ural Museum. Among them the antiquities of Huns and Sarmatian jewelry. Historical antiquities were found by South Ural scientists as a result of archeological studies within Chelyabinsk Region.

The museum is a part of the SUSU Scientific and Educational Center of the Eurasian Researches. Every summer the staff organizes not less than 3 or 4 archaeological expeditions. All their finds come to the museum, and the most interesting of them are become part of the permanent exhibition.

SUSU Campus Invites to the Gala Concert


On Thursday, March 30, a big concert of the campus will take place in the assembly hall of SUSU. "His Majesty Campus" is an event within the framework of which the history of the campus and the stages of its development will be shown. A standout theatrical show prepared by students will leave plenty of positive emotions. This show will let you know more about the entertaining life of students in the hostels.

Guests from China will participate in Odyssey of the Mind-2017


South Ural State University is holding 27 region competitions for participants of the international program for developing creative thought and team spirit, Odyssey of the Mind, on March 11th-12th with support from the Chelyabinsk Atomic Energy Informational Center.

For the first time, teams from the Republic of Tatarstan will be participating. More than 30 teams from Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk Oblast will represent their solutions to difficult invention tasks. A team from the People’s Republic of China will be special guests to the competition.

Chelyabinsk Artist Presents the University with One of Her Works


Famous artist and monument sculptor Lyudmila Kostina is finishing her exhibition in the SUSU Art Hall. The exhibition was opened as a dedication to the 100-year anniversary of the two Russian revolutions and is called, “The past is passing before me…”.

SUSU Student Labor Squad “Orange” Becomes one of the Top Three Best in Russia


On February 20th in the Pushkin room, SUSU rector Aleksandr Shestakov met with representatives of the university’s Student Labor Squad Staff. The agenda included a summation of the squads’ work for the last year and plans for the future. 

How to Make Your Dream Come True in Two Days? SUSU Held the International Global Game Jam Competition


January 20 and 22 were the most interesting and fruitful for South Ural State University. Annually, the alma mater doesn’t sleep two days. This means that the SUSU Higher School of Electronics and Computer Sciences holds Global Game Jam 2017, the largest international competition for the development of computer games.

Let it snow: ILaIC Celebrate New Years


Today in the SUSU Activity Hall the drone of very different languages from around the world was heard, as the Institute of Linguistics and International Communication held their New Years.

Philologists held an aniversary «Акулы PеRа» business game


By the end of the year one more interesting event took place in the South Ural State University. The Educational Mass Media Project “Акулы PеRа” gathered high school and university students. They were suggested to solve several tasks, working in teams during a week:

University’s Own at the “Celebration of Life”. SUSU Celebrates 73 Years.


South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk) celebrated its 73rd birthday and wrapped up a fruitful research and academic year, reports the university’s press-service.

A series of holiday events dedicated to celebrating the university finished with a large, traditional concert which gathered SUSU staff, professors, and students. There were no open spots in the activity hall.

SUSU Celebrating its Birthday in the Style of the Epochs of Ilf and Petrov


A theatrical holiday dedicated to the birthday of SUSU called The Union of Science and Achievement will be held on December 15th at 3:00 in SUSU’s conference hall.

Guests and participants will enjoy a theatricalized presentation based on the famous and well-loved literary creations of the soviet epoch, Ilf and Petrov. Also within the program the audience will also be able to see the new film, “SUSU Calendar of Events. 2016” and performances of the best artistic collectives, winners of prestigious international and Russian festivals this year.

20 Musical Masterpieces that Changed the World will be Performed at SUSU


On December 5th the symphony orchestra conducted by honored artist of Russia Adik Abdurakhmanov will perform on the SUSU conference hall stage.

An English-Language Newspaper has Appeared at SUSU


A newspaper for international students, “Otherside”, has appeared at South Ural State University. The newspaper publishes the most important news from the university and announces events that may be of interest to students from other countries.

Unusual Installations and Music on the Trubophone Featured in the New Season of the SUSU OkNo gallery


From October 6th through 27th, the SUSU OkNo Gallery of Modern Art will be presenting projects by Olga Grazhdankina and Pavel Pakharukov, “Meaning and Intention: Contamination” (graphics, ceramics, and installations).

Students from Freiburg Visited SUSU


The School of Russian Language and Culture for German students from the Mining Academy in Freiburg has opened at South Ural State University.

The first thing that struck students was SUSU’s size and the number of people on campus, which is larger than the population of Freiburg. The students were already able to visit the railroad technologies museum and the skating rink at the Uralskaya Molnia sports complex, and got a bird’s eye view of Yekaterinburg.

SUSU Graduate Participated in the Graphics Creation for the Film “Ekipazh”


Valentin Dorokhov, graduate of the SUSU department of "System programming", worked on the computer graphics rendering for the film “Ekipazh”, which was released in Russia April 21st.

Valentin is the general director for the company “Render-Ferma”, which provided servers and supervised the rendering process, software settings, data synchronization, and corrected errors.

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