The University aims to modernise its facilities and provide researchers and students with most advanced equipment, essential to reach world-class level in science and education. SUSU has built powerful, up-to-date facilities that include over 10 world-class research and educational centers and laboratories equipped with unique research equipment. SUSU produces 80% of all educational laboratory equipment made in Russia and boasts the country's most complete and advanced educational laboratory complex.
List of University facilities and equipment
Laboratory description |
Equipment |
Unique characteristics |
Supercomputer simulation |
Tornado SUSU |
473.6 TFlops (trillion floating-point operations per second)
244 place in Top-500 supercomputers of the world, 6-th in the
Russian Federation
SKIF-Avrora SUSU |
117 TFlops (trillion floating-point operations per second) |
Research and Education
Center for Experimental
Mechanics and
Aerospace Engineering
LMS calculation-and-experimental
The only one in the country complete complex used for
frequency-response analysis and virtual structural tests and
tests of aerospace engineering systems
Laboratory for testing of full size diesel engines
A set of HORIBA diesel engine hardware
The only facility in the country designed to test full-sized
diesel engines with a capacity of 90-1,800 kW at stationary
and transient cycles
Optical interferometry
Femtosecond laser |
The only femtosecond laser available in the Urals region |
Interferential testing
Unique infrastructure for Russia. Lab’s groundwork is not
connected with the groundwork of the building and
surrounding area, which enables to use of interferential
methods for creating photonic structures and light fields with
complex distribution of parameters.
To increase the attractiveness of SUSU as a global research and educational center, the University will undertake the following efforts:
- Building a 3,000-bed dormitory (the site has been allocated and the building plans drawn up)
- Accommodating 20 research laboratories and technology clusters with premises of at least 40,000 sq. m by 2020
- Constructing an Innovation Center
- Developing a barrier-free environment across University
- Improving utilities and enhancing the quality of property management mechanisms based on specific return from their use
The SUSU supercomputer ranks 349th in the TOP500 rating of the world's most powerful supercomputer systems. SUSU plans to make further investments worth more than RUB 1 billion in its supercomputer with the goal of breaking into the rating's top 100 supercomputers by 2020. Plans call for further upgrading the supercomputer's capacity in partnership with high-tech industrial companies. Estimated investment for this project totals RUB 250 million per year. Among SUSU's potential partners are Makeyev GRTs, Uralvagonzavod, KAMAZ, the Institute of Research and Development in Mechanical Engineering, RSC Technologies, and others. The University will raise the necessary funds either through direct investment or through the establishment of a target endowment fund for the supercomputer. If the University continues to develop its supercomputer further solely using its own funds, the results will not be so outstanding. It will only be sufficient to maintain the SUSU supercomputer in TOP500 ranking.
Investment in supercomputer and rank in Top500