Mandatory additional activities

Activity 9 (mandatory additional): Change the University's organisational and management structure

1. Task 9.1 Introduce changes in the University's organisational and management structure
  Target indicator   position
  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
  1. Develop a Programme Implementation Action Plan (roadmap) and obtain approval for it from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science
  2. Develop draft regulations and internal regulatory documents and obtain approval for them from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science. Such regulations and documents should provide for:
    a) Changing the type of institution from a federal publicly funded institution to an autonomous government institution;
    b) Putting in place a procedure for appointing the Rector as the Founder, which will initially involve holding a competitive selection process in the form of an open international competition
    c) Introducing amendments to the University Charter and to the Rector's and Provost's existing employment contracts, which will enable the achievement of the target performance indicators specified in the approved development programmes.
  3. Submit financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and their verification by an auditor
  4. Provide data and obtain positions in at least one of the following two international ratings: QS, THE.
  5. Establish academic activity performance criteria and, based on these, introduce starting from 2016 fixed-term contracts with faculty members and administration staff


  Year Key deliverables: Fee estimate


  • Academic activity performance criteria established
  • Action Plan and draft regulations and internal regulatory documents on key organisation changes in the University developed and submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science
  • Programme Implementation Action Plan (roadmap)
  • Change in the type of institution to an autonomous government institution; the efficient re-allocation of functions between the University's Academic and Supervisory boards
  • ules of the procedure for appointing the Rector as the Founder, which initially involves conducting a competitive selection process in the form of an open international competition
  • Financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been submitted
  • Standard format for fixed-term contracts with faculty members and managerial staff, complete with a list of key performance indicators
  • Submit financial statements for the current year in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and their verification by an auditor 
  • Sign fixed-term contracts with faculty members, complete with a list of performance criteria for their academic activity
  • Submit financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and their verification by an auditor; sign fixed-term contracts with faculty members, complete with a list of performance criteria for their academic activity 
  • Positions in at least one of two global rankings (QS and THE) received


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