Project Supervisor at SUSU

Dmitriy Vladimirovich Ulrikh

Director of the Institute of Architecture and Construction
Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor


Master Degree in Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficient Buildings for Russian & Armenian Universities and Stakeholders

The project will favor to achieving goals of the events for developing capacity in the sphere of education, connected with modernization, availability and internationalization of higher education, its compliance with necessities of the modern labor market and the society by means of developing and realization of new innovative programs in two participating countries: Armenia and the Russian Federation.

Plan of the project involves development of a master’s degree program in the field of energy-efficient buildings. The main focus of the program is targeted at economizing energy resources and protection of the environment.

The project supposes formation of the Project Board which will include a representative from each organization. In each partner country, a head organization will be assigned for supervising implementation of events of all partners in Russia and Armenia.

Detailed information about the project

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