Educational Technology & Equipment Research and Production Institute

South Ural State University
Office 338, Main University Building
76, Prospect Lenina
Tel.: +7 351 265-58-59, +7 351 265 59 59
E-mail: rnpo[at][dot]ru

Head of the Institute

Georgy Kalyagin

Ph.D., Professor

E-mail: kgi[at]labstand[dot]ru

Educational Technology and Equipment Research and Production Institute develops and manufactures educational equipment and audio-visual aids for educational institutions and educational centers of some enterprises. It is a member of International association WORLDDIDAC (Basel, Switzerland), which unites publishers, manufacturers and distributers of educational materials and equipment from all over the world.

Material and technical resources

Division «Mechanic engineering» Division «Laser cutting and metal disc cutting» Division «Metallographics»




Material and technical resources of the institute include 23 divisions, among them:

  • Automatic laser cutting and plate material cutting
  • Metal folding, powder coating and metallographics
  • Metal work and welding
  • Front panel milling
  • Printing plates and silk screening
  • Wiring and machine-assembling divisions (29)

Products of the institute is used in more than 2000 higher educational institutions, technical schools, lyceums, colleges, professional re-training centers of industrial plants in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Moldova and the Baltic States. Educational equipment and informational technologies are mandatory tested in SUSU scientific laboratories and followed by full scale technical guides, sets of posters and tablets.

During last 10 years more than 18 000 units of educational equipment, informational aids and technologies are produced and delivered to the educational institutions of Russia and abroad (including components of “turn-key” diversified laboratories).

«Visual aids»
Head of the department: Bushuev Konstantin
room 239, Kommuny st., 147
tel.: 267-98-21
E-mail: kb64[at]yandex[dot]ru

Head of the department: Durasov Aleksey
room 506а, Lenina prospekt, 83
tel.: 272-31-21
E-mail: avto-gor[at]mail[dot]ru

«Construction and housing and public utilities »
Head of the department: Zhbankov Gleb
Lenina prospekt, 78в
tel.: 265-44-68
E-mail: labstroy[at]mail[dot]ru

«Computer systems. Information safety»
Head of the department: Dombrovskiy Kirill
room 231, Kommuny st., 147
tel.: 272-31-32
E-mail: kirill-dombrovsky[at]ya[dot]ru

«Assambling and adjusting»
Head of the department: Taranov Igor
tel.: 265-58-59
E-mail: taranof[at]mail[dot]ru

«Computer teaching aids»
Head of the department: Grishkevich Marina
room 227, Kommuny st., 147,
tel: (351) 267-92-97, 267-93-47, 265-46-77
E-mail: kdm[at][dot]ru

Head of the department: Sheremetiev Semen
tel.: 8-912-897-96-04
E-mail: gunmaster[at]inbox[dot]ru

Head of the department: Mezentsev Vladimir

 Room 229, Kommuny st., 141
Тел.: (351) 267-91-96, 267-92-24
E-mail: mtomd[at][dot]ru

Head of the department: Pyzin Georgy
SUSU, main building, room. 018
tel.: (351) 267-92-89, 266-23-22
E-mail: hologrph[at]mail[dot]ru

«Mechanical engineering technology»
Head of the department: Surkov Igor
rooms 103, 107
tel.: (351) 278-72-06
E-mail: suiv[at][dot]ru

«Metallurgy»«Material engineering»
Head of the department: Radionova Lyudmila
tel.: (351)-901-93-32
E-mail: radionovalv[at]rambler[dot]ru


There some examples of “turn-key” diversified laboratories:

Fundamentals of Electronics

Pneumatic circuit and Pneumatic automation

Hydraulic circuit и hydraulic automatization

Electricity and magnetism

Order and supply educational equipment

Catalogue and set of information brochures (43) can be send if requested. More information about nomenclature, structure and technological and methodic opportunities can be found on our site

Distant (through e-mail) consultations concerning all nomenclature of educational production can be given.

3 years’ warranty. Warranty and post-guarantee service of the educational equipment. Time of manufacture from 1 week to 2 months.

Cost of educational equipment can be seen in the pricelist and on our site. Manufacture’s discounts. Advanced payment on agreement. The institute provides training courses (accommodation is given), starting-up and adjustment, support and updating of educational and methodic software. Also we provide onsite presentations, master classes for all our production (including training courses at the university).

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