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Scientists Studied the Possibilities of Controlling the Magnetic Properties of Complex Oxide Systems

The study of complex oxides of iron and using them to create new functional materials is one of the most intensely developing fields of investigation for SUSU scientists. In this new study, the specialists chose to investigate spinel-structured ferrites, changing their magnetic properties through modification of the chemical composition—by substituting the iron ions. The results of their research were published in the highly-rated journal Nanomaterials (Q1).

SUSU Association of International Students Celebrates its 7th Anniversary

The Association of International Students was founded on December 23, 2013. The main goal of the AIS is to help international students adapt, help them solve issues related to their studies, accommodation, and entertainment, and introduce them to the Russian culture. The activities of the AIS support the development of intercultural communication and personal growth of each student.


Thesis in History Successfully Defended at SUSU Dissertation Council

The chronicle of current events of the Department of Russian and International History of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities of South Ural State University has been supplemented by an important event: an assistant Pavel Komlev has defended his thesis of a Candidate of Sciences.

- Please, tell us about the relevance of your research?

Members of the Chelyabinsk Regional Student Team Awarded for Assistance in the Emergency Response to the Accident near the City Clinical Hospital No.2

Today, a ceremony has been held at the Chelyabinsk City Administration to award the members of the Chelyabinsk Regional Student Team, who took part in the elimination of the consequences of the accident on the territory of the City Clinical Hospital No.2.

Eight young people, six of whom are representatives of the Headquarters of Student Teams of South Ural State University have been thanked “For active social work” by the leadership of the city of Chelyabinsk.

SUSU Institute of Law Held a Round Table on Anti-Corruption Management


The Institute of Law of South Ural State University held a round table on Anti-Corruption Management using the Google Meet platform. The event was timed to coincide with the International Anti-Corruption Day, which is celebrated annually on December 9th.

ChelPipe Group Awards Student Metallurgists with the Yakov Osadchy Scholarship

Four Master’s degree students of the Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy Engineering of South Ural State University have been awarded the Yakov Osadchy Scholarship, named after the legendary director who in the Soviet time headed Pervouralsk Pipe Plant and Chelyabinsk Pipe Plant (which are part of the ChelPipe Group now). This year the awards ceremony has been held online.

SUSU Department of Psychology of Management and Service Activity Participates in Conferences of the Federal Level

The final months of the outgoing year have been marked by a number of major scientific events in the life of the Faculty of Psychology of South Ural State University. Students and academic staff members of the Department of Psychology of Management and Service Activity took part in online conferences of the federal level.

Aleksandr Shestakov: "SUSU Continues to Enhance Development"

South Ural State University is celebrating its 77th anniversary. The university is developing dynamically, rising to the challenges of the time. This year that has gone by, has not been easy for anyone, and SUSU has been no exception. However, there are many achievements and prospects. The SUSU Rector, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor Aleksandr Shestakov speaks about the main results of the year, new projects and strategic plans.

Important results

Aleksandr Shestakov:

Paleogeneticists Confirm the Affinity of the Hungarians to the South Ural Region

There is a connection of the South Ural region to the formation of many peoples. However, every year new evidence is found that ancient Hungarians lived in this territory. The studies of the bones from a burial ground in the South Ural region, and comparing the revealed haplotypes to those of the ancient Hungarians have served as the confirmation to this theory.

Book by SUSU Researcher on Burial Mounds with “Moustaches” Published in Hungary

Иван Грудочко

A SUSU archaeologist studied burial mounds (known as kurgans in Russian) with “moustaches” located in the Ural-Kazakh steppes. The results of the analysis of information about the burial and memorial complexes became the foundation for a book which was published in Budapest, Hungary, under the authorship of the South Urals researcher.

SUSU Scientists Developed Innovative Lubricant for Reducing Wheel Friction on Trains

An effective rail lubricant has been proposed by scientists of the Faculty of Automotive Engineering of South Ural State University. The hybrid rail lubricant is easy to use and it can protect not only the train wheels, but also the curved part of the track and the switch from wear. The development by the SUSU researchers will be tested on the Sverdlovsk Railway.

Online Meeting with Students to Be Held by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at SUSU

Today from 13:00 to 16:00 in Room 1007 of the SUSU main building, following the instructions from the Chelyabinsk Region Governor Alexey Texler, a preventative meeting with international students will be held by the staff members of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chelyabinsk Region. The event will be attended in the remote format by the staff of the international offices of major Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk Region universities, and by international students. Students can ask the staff of the MIA questions.

SUSU Lawyers Invited to Deliver Lectures at the US University


The Institute of Law of South Ural State University continues to develop actively, and its teaching staff members receive offers to share their knowledge with students of foreign universities.

Elizaveta Gromova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Law, Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, was invited to give an online lecture for students of Ambra University, Orlando, USA.

Master's Students of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Took Part in World Press Freedom Conference

The annual World Press Freedom Conference 2020 has been held in December. The World Press Freedom Conference 2020 is an event that annually brings together journalists, media companies, human rights defenders, judicial officers, politicians, scientists, youth, non-governmental organisations – all those who are interested in press freedom issues around the world.

SUSU Specialist Answered Questions about Public Transport System

On December 13th, a briefing was held at South Ural State University, during which a SUSU research project on the creation of a comfortable and safe modern public transport system was presented. Its main goal is to create additional amenities for passengers and increase the traffic speed within Chelyabinsk, including the Kopeysk Urban District and the Sosnovsky Municipal District.

Celebratory Concert Held at SUSU in Honour of the University’s 77th Anniversary

On December 15th, South Ural State University celebrated its 77th Anniversary. In honour of this event, a celebratory concert was held in the SUSU Assembly Hall. The event was held with all epidemiological restrictions in place: only 25% of the seats in the Hall were filled; all guests were wearing masks.

Open Online Lecture by the Leading Expert on Advertising and Unfair Competition Held at the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities

Students and academic staff of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities, within the framework of the course on State and Public Regulation of Advertising Activities, took part in an open online lecture by the leading Moscow expert on advertising and unfair competition Dmitriy Grigoriev on the topic of "Formation of Legal Regulation in Advertising, General Principles of Regulation: the Philosoph

SUSU Develops Collaboration with Universities in Belarus

SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov delivered his report at the Second Forum of the Association of Universities of Belarus and Russia, which was held online on December 14th.

In the course of the Forum, university rectors from Russia and Belarus delivered reports and presentations, exchanged opinions, and discussed the main strategic paths for further development of the bilateral cooperation in education and science.

Happy Birthday, South Ural State University

15 December 2020 one of the leading Russian universities celebrates its 77 anniversary. Professors and students congratulate the university and wish it many years of success.

South Ural State University was established in 1943 during the Great Patriotic War. Mechanical Institute evacuated from Stalingrad took a new name, Chelyabinsk Mechanical and Engineering Institute, and started to train highly qualified specialists for the country.

SUSU's Developments Were Highly Appreciated at VUZPROMEXPO-2020

On December 10th-11th, South Ural State University took part in the Annual National Exhibition "VUZPROMEXPO-2020" in Moscow.

Safe Dyeing Pigment Makes Candle Light-style OLEDs Brighter

SUSU scientists jointly with their colleagues from the Russian Academy of Sciences continue their research in the field of creating light-emitting diodes. A useful innovation with safe light, which is similar to candle light or sunset light in its spectrum, has been improved by making it brighter. This has become possible thanks to the use of new modern dyes.

Final Stage of UMNIK-2020 Competition Completed

Students and employees of South Ural State University took part in the final stage of the UMNIK-2020 Research and Innovation Competition. In 2021, the holders of grants under the eponymous program of the Foundation on Innovations Facilitation will be announced.

88 projects, including those by students, postgraduates, employees of SUSU and other universities of the Chelyabinsk Region, made it into the final.

SUSU Students Are Invited to Take Part in RUSAL Laboratory Projects Competition

Students of South Ural State University are invited to take part in the RUSAL Laboratory competition of research and project student works. The organizer of the competition is the RUSAL corporate centre.

The topic of the competition is “Green Technologies”, that is the innovative solutions and technologies aimed at big-scale modernization of the existing production assets, which help to reduce hazardous emissions into the atmosphere, save resources, and implement projects of closed water circulation systems and energy-efficient production.

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