Public and Digital History

Project Head
Оlga Nikonova, D.Sc. (History), Associate Professor
Department of Russian and Foreign History

Forming a databank of projects of historical-and-cultural and social-and-cultural nature, necessary for re-branding of the Chelyabinsk Region and possessing the following qualities:

  • digitalisation of content;
  • reproducibility;
  • elaborated methodology;
  • social significance;
  • presence of commercial component.
  • Carrying out historical-and-cultural mapping of territory;
  • Monitoring of the existing PDH projects, being implemented by various agents of tourism business, non-profit organisations and municipal institutions, and determining samples recommended for replication;
  • Carrying out sociological and politological analysis of the territory re-branding problem;
  • Creating an electronic resource entitled “Bank of historical-and-cultural and social-and-cultural projects”;
  • Implementing students’ PHD projects and their media support;
  • Compiling recommendations on territory re-branding with the use of tutorial potential of PHD.
7 Master’s students of specialisation 46.04.01 History
Committee of Archives of the Chelyabinsk Region, Exit and Entry Administration of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Chelyabinsk Region, Assembly of Nations of the Chelyabinsk region, Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation “Centre of Cultural and Religious Studies, Social-and-Political Technology and Educational Programmes”, Municipal Public Institution “National Unity Centre”





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