Virtual Museum of South Ural Writers

Project Head
Tatiana Semyan, D.Sc. (Philology), Professor
Department of Russian Language and Literature
Establishing a Virtual Museum of South Ural’s Writers
  • Representing SUSU as a leading scientific centre for studying and popularisation of contemporary literature of the South Ural;
  • Determining principles of ontology formation of the Museum, classifiers, catalogues and other information structures;  
  • Forming basic information structures for presentation of documents and museum materials;
  • Developing structure of a web-page of the Virtual Museum;
  • Elaborating design mockup of the Museum’s website;
  • Implementing technology for development of distributed information systems intended for storage and display of information;
  • Conducting a fill-up with literature content (photo archive, biographic information about an author, review of the writer’s works, critical articles and analytical materials, texts of the author’s compositions);
  • Reflecting intermediate results of research activity in articles, electronic study manual, monograph on the topic related to the Virtual Museum.
8 Master’s students of specialisation 45.04.01 Philology
Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region
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