22.04.02 Metallurgy (Digital Technologies in Rolling-Mill Production and their Materials-Science Support)

Major: Digital Technologies in Rolling-Mill Production and their Materials-Science Support

Level: Master’s degree programme

Duration of training: 2 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Liudmila Radionova, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor

Description of the educational programme

This educational programme is being fulfilled in the format of project-based learning and aims at training students for production-and-technology, project, organisational-and-managerial, and research-and-development activity after they graduate. Taking into account the fact that modern rolling-mill production is highly automated and is meant not only to change the shape of metals, but also fulfil the structure- and properties formation in the process of pressure-treatment of metals, then studying in this Master’s degree programme will allow the graduates to significantly improve their competitiveness in the labour market.

Today, there are practically no institutions training specialists capable of designing and optimizing the high-speed processes of controlled rolling and thermal strengthening of the rolling-heat products, while there is a demand for them with the metallurgy enterprises. Within the fulfilment of the project-based learning and using the example of certain production tasks, the students will be studying computer and physical simulation of the processes of pressure-treatment of metals and thermomechanical treatment, the designing of the technological modes of rolling and accelerated cooling, and will also master all the currently available methods of quality control of the rolling-mill products.

For the students' internship, course and diploma designing, the Department has both close long-term ties with Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant and the Russian Research Institute of the Tube & Pipe Industries, and close ties with the SUSU innovation laboratories, which help students conduct research-and-development works.


Room 320, Main University Building
Tel.: +7(351)265-59-57
E-mail: radionovalv[at]susu[dot]ru

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