Object of Distributed Generation (Smart House) Based on Renewable Sources and Efficient Energy Consumption with an Intelligent Smart Grid System

Project Head
Evgeny Solomin, D.Sc. (Engineering)
Power Stations, Grids, and Electric Power Systems
Creating a demonstration working model of a smart house based on 100% of the energy supply from renewable energy sources, energy efficient technologies, intelligent monitoring and control
  • Developing the following components:
    – a generating system based on a hybrid scalable power complex with a capacity of 1-10 kW, including wind power plants, a solar power station, a hydroelectric power station (optional), a bioelectric power station (optional);
    – an energy-efficient heating based on heat pumps, solar collectors;
    – a smart grid system with intelligent control (including remote access and monitoring).
  • Implementing the finished object, bring it to trial performance together with industrial partners;
  • Creating conditions for commercialization. Commercialising the project in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of Technopark SUSU;
  • At all stages of the project, performing a 100% coverage of works by undergraduate students of the 1-2 years of study, with the involvement of graduate students, doctoral students, with a specific roadmap of foreign and third-party participants;
  • Carrying out strict control over the work of life safety systems.
5 Master’s students of specialisation 13.04.02 Power Generation and Electrical Engineering
Specialised Noncommercial Organisation – the Fund “Regional Operator of Major Repairs of the Apartment Blocks Common Property in the Chelyabinsk Region”
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