Complex Development of the Household Infrastructure Systems of Municipalities

Project Head
Dmitry Ivanov, Ph.D. (Engineering)
Department of Finance, Supply and Credit
The objective of the programme of complex development is the ensuring of development of the household systems and facilities according to the needs of the housing and industrial construction, improving the quality of the municipal services supplied to the consumers while still keeping them affordable, improving the ecological situation, as well as improving the quality of the housing-and-municipal service for the consumers, ensuring comfortable and safe living environment, protecting the citizens from unjustifiable raising of payments for the housing-and-municipal services, improving the efficiency of the operation of the managing companies and public utility complex organisations
  • Improving the efficiency of functioning of the life support household systems of a municipality or an urban settlement;
  • Implementing modern technologies while operating the facilities of the housing and utilities infrastructure;
  • Satisfying the needs of the developing research and production complex and housing construction for the energy resources and municipal services;
  • Financial restructuring of the organisations of the housing and utility complex, and attracting investments to the housing and utilities sector;
  • Slowing down the growth rates of the prices for the housing and utilities services
5 Master’s students of specialisation 08.04.01 Construction
Municipality Administration
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