Model of Safeguards for Professional Rights of Attorneys

Project Head
Mikhail Kirienko, Ph.D. (Law)
Criminal and Penal Law, and Criminology
With active participation of SUSU students, summarising the available approaches to the issues of the existing counteractions to advocacy activity, violation of professional rights of attorneys in the process of their rendering legal assistance in criminal cases, elaboration of approaches to eliminate and fight against the cases of unlawful obstruction to and interference with advocacy activity
  • Analysing the existing cases of counteractions to advocacy activity;
  • Summarising the existing judicial practice of disputing the cases of counteractions to advocacy activity;
  • Studying the legislative gaps in the regulations on professional rights and abilities of attorneys within rendering assistance in criminal cases;
  • Studying the legislative gaps in the regulations on protection of the independence of advocacy activity;
  • Preparing a project of introducing amendments to the current legislation in order to eliminate problems of obstruction to advocacy activity;
  • Elaborating methodical recommendations on the tactics of behaviour in case of obstruction to advocacy activity
6 Bachelor’s students of specialisation 40.03.01 Law
Chamber of Lawyers for the Chelyabinsk Region; Young Lawyers Council for the Chelyabinsk Region
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