45.04.01 Philology. Theory and Practice of English






Description of the program

Al Gharrawi Bahaa Kadhim Oudah (Iraq)

“I would like to recommend other students to study at SUSU, especially those who would like to do their master’s programs here in English. They are going to improve their English a lot. SUSU can offer you an environment just like in the US or the UK. So, I recommend my friends to study here and to give this place a chance. Don’t miss this opportunity.”

Al-Graiti Ekhlas Hameed Swadi (Iraq)

“South Ural State University is the smartest and the most famous university that I have ever known in my life. It is the place of prominent professors who have precious knowledge and experience. South Ural State University develops the international activities in the scientific, educational, and cultural fields. It is the place where you can develop and progress your future career. I have progressed and developed my abilities during the course of master’s  program in philology through my participation in various international academic events.”

Contact details

76, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 454080

Phone/fax: +7(351) 267-90-18, 267-91-85

Foreign Languages Department


File your application at: applicant[at]susu[dot]ru

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