38.03.04 State and Municipal Management

Major: State and Municipal Management

Level: Bachelor's degree 

Duration of training: 4 years – full time, 5 years – part time

Degree certificate: Bachelor's degree 

Mode of study: Full time, part time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager:

Galina Vlasova

E-mail: galina-v89[at]mail[dot]ru

Ekaterina Kolmakova

E-mail: ek.kolmakova[at]yandex[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

The aim of the program is to train versatile professionals - managers competent in both general management and problems of the state and municipal government, economy and finance of the public sector.

Types of professional activity are: information and methodological, project and organizational and managerial activities.

The unique feature of the program is the unity of economic, managerial and legal approaches to teaching.


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