38.03.01 Economics (Accounting and Taxation)

Major: Accounting and Taxation

Level: Bachelor’s degree programme

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Iulia Markina, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor

Description of the educational programme

The graduates are capable of accounting and management, organizing the transition to the new standards of accounting that are now being put into effect, analyzing financial and business activity, applying the best taxation practices. In the course of training, much attention is paid to mastering the information technologies that are necessary for a modern specialist.

The 3rd–4th-year students can combine studies with work at partner enterprises on a part-time basis. By the end of training, all graduates receive certificates on completing internships and courses provided by employers.

The programme is unique due to the fact that an important role in the educational process is played by the Department's participation in meetings of the Council and industry committees for the development of national accounting standards of the "National Accounting Regulator the Accounting Methodological Centre" Foundation, Moscow.


Room 225, Main University Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt
Tel.: +7 (351) 267‑98-76


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