37.05.02 Psychology of Occupational Activity

Major: Moral and Psychological Support of Occupational Activity

Level: Specialist programme

Duration of training: 5 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Elena Rylskaia, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor

Description of the educational programme

Studies in this speciality aim at training specialists for defence and law-enforcement agencies, armed forces, educational institutions, and social and psychological services.

Students will learn how to professionally and properly select personnel, work with people who have found themselves in an emergency situation, hold psychological counselling, training, intervention and developing programs.

This programme is being fulfilled jointly with the leading specialists from psychological services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, EMERCOM, Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Federal Security Service.

Students training in the Psychology of Occupational Activity can become members of the Plamya (Flame) Student Volunteer Psychology Team. The Volunteer Team members have an opportunity to develop their leadership skills, participate in social projects, obtain the first-aid dressing skills, and take training held by qualified specialists of the EMERCOM and the Disaster Medicine Centre.


Room 435 of the Main University Building
Tel.: 267-90-29
E-mail: decanat_fg[at]mail[dot]ru


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