Major: Industrial and Civil Construction
Level: Bachelor’s degree
Duration of training: 4 years – full time, 5 years – part time
Degree certificate: Bachelor’s degree
Mode of study: Full time, part time
Language of study: Russian
Programme manager: Alexander Kiianets, 267-91-83, kiianetcav[at]susu[dot]ru
Description of the educational programme
The goal of the educational program 08.03.01 Construction, field of Industrial and Civil Construction is development of cultural and professional competences in accordance with FSES 3+ and training of qualified and competitive specialists in the field of industrial and civil construction; development of autonomy students for the purpose of creating self-sufficient employees.
Field of future profession
The objects of professional activity of bachelors in the field of Industrial and Civil Construction are: industrial and civil buildings, hydraulic engineering and environmental protection structures; building materials, products and structures; heat and gas supply, ventilation, water supply and drainage systems for industrial and civil buildings; environmental facilities; real estate; land; urban areas.
Bachelor in the field of Industrial and Civil Engineering can do the following tasks as a part of his/hers professional activities:
- Survey and design activities: collection and systematization of information and baseline data for the purposes of design of buildings, structures, complexes, transport infrastructure, engineering systems and equipment, planning and development of populated areas; engineering surveys for the purposes of construction and renovation of buildings and structures; design justification and design of elements of building structures, of structures and complexes using universal and specialized software and computing systems, as well as computer-aided design systems; writing design and technical documentation in construction and housing sectors, as well as finalization of documentation concerning completed construction object ; ensuring conformity of developed projects and technical documentation to the given task, standards, norms, rules, specifications and other executive documents; technical and legal assessment of construction, repair and reconstruction projects; drawing up design and budget documentation in the construction and housing sector;
- Production, technological and management activities: organization of workplaces, acceptance and placement of technological equipment; organization of work of small groups of workers, developing staff work plans and managing payroll funds; control over the observance of technological discipline; acceptance, development and maintenance of technological equipment and machines; organization of metrological support of technological processes, the use of standard methods of quality control of construction and operation of construction objects and housing and communal services, as well as of the quality of products, machinery and equipment; fine-tuning and implementation of the technological processes of construction, repair, reconstruction, operation and maintenance of construction objects and housing and communal services, as well as manufacturing building materials, products and structures, manufacturing machines and equipment; implementation of environmental safety measures, environmental reporting in the construction and housing sector; implementation of measures to save energy and increase the energy efficiency of buildings and structures; compiling technical documentation (schedules, instructions, plans, estimates, applications for materials and equipment), as well as writing reports in accordance with approved forms; participation in engineering surveys and designing of construction objects and housing and communal objects; standardization and preparation for certification of hardware, systems, processes, equipment and materials; execution of documentation of the quality management system of the enterprise; carrying out organizational and planning calculations for reorganization of the production site; development of operational work plans of the primary production unit; conducting an analysis of the costs and results of operations of the production unit; organization and execution of construction and installation work, work on the operation, maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings, structures and objects of housing and communal services; monitoring and verification of the technical condition, residual life of construction objects, equipment and housing and communal services; organization and testing of building products, as well as buildings, structures, engineering systems; organization of preparation of construction objects and objects of housing and communal services for seasonal operation; implementation of safety measures and labor protection, reporting on labor protection; participation in the management of the technical operation of engineering systems;
- Experimental research activities: the study and analysis of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience in the field of activity; the use of standard packages for the automation of design and research; participation in carrying out experiments according to specified methods, compiling descriptions of the conducted research and systematization of the results; preparation of data in the prescribed form for use in writing reviews, reports, scientific and other publications; writing reports on the work performed, participating in the implementation of research results and practical developments; testing samples of products manufactured by the construction industry, testing programs;
- Installation, commissioning, service and operational activities: installation, testing, commissioning and operation of structures, engineering systems and equipment of construction facilities, housing and communal facilities; Experimental verification of process equipment and means of technological support; acceptance and implementation of equipment; verification of the technical condition and residual resource of construction objects and objects of housing and communal services, construction and housing equipment; organization of inspections of the current and capital repairs, reconstruction of construction projects and housing and communal services, construction and housing and communal equipment; development and implementation of programs to achieve energy efficiency of buildings and structures; drawing up instructions for the operation of equipment, construction and housing facilities; organization of preparation of construction objects and objects of housing and communal services for seasonal operation; preparation of applications for equipment and spare parts, preparation of technical documentation for repairs; participation in the management of the technical operation of engineering systems; performance of the functions of the customer and technical supervision over the execution of works on the construction, operation, maintenance, reconstruction, repair of construction projects and housing and communal services;
- Entrepreneurial activities: participation in the organization of managerial and entrepreneurial activities in the construction and housing and utilities sphere on the basis of the knowledge of their organizational and legal foundations; application of the basics of ethics and culture of interpersonal communication in the industrial sector and business communication; application of knowledge of the basics of pricing and estimated rationing in the construction and housing sector; participation in the preparation of tender and contractual documentation in the construction and housing sectors, the monitoring of the performance of contracts, civil contracts by suppliers, performers, contractors; preparation of technical tasks for the development, as well as monitoring the implementation of investment programs in the field of construction and housing and communal services; record-keeping for an organization in the construction or housing sector in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.