The Head of the SUSU International Affairs Division Olga Yaroshenko and the Head of Pushkin Institute Research, Education and Coordination Center Yadviga Berezovskaya visited the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Yekaterinburg.
On October 11, the 12th Azerbaijan International Educational Exhibition started its work at Baku Expo Center under the slogan “Invest in the Future of Children”. This is the only exhibition in the country, which is organised with the official support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as the Agency for Small and Medium Businesses of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Fund for the Promotion of Export and Investment (AZPROMO), and the National Confederation of Entrepreneur Organisations (Employers) of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASK).
A Forum of International Students and Alumni of Russian Universities – 2018, participated by SUSU representatives, took place in the city of Vladimir.
The event was held in the frameworks of the Federal grant by Rosmolodezh (Russian Youth) under support of the Global Alumni Alliance.
The Forum is intended to become one of the venues for meetings of international students with alumni in order to discuss issues of their further interaction with Russia in the sphere of public and professional activity.
The International Office is holding My SUSU contest. As part of this contest, international students will talk about how they decided to study in Russia, how they enrolled into SUSU, where they are studying now, and what it is like. Graduates will have a great chance to look back in their student years and share their stories of success resulting from obtaining their university education.
The contest is being held in two formats: a video and an essay.
On September 29, activists of South Ural State University’s Association of International Students organised a trip to the Taganay National Park, where they passed through multiple obstacles and reached the top of the Ural Mountains.
Taganay is a unique national park located in the northern part of subdued mountain ridges of the South Ural, which is an isolated plexus of mountains, three sides of which change into plateau and further into flat wooded steppe.
South Ural State University has a long history and is well known abroad. Its mission is forming a new generation of leaders capable of solving global tasks on sustainable development and changing our world for better. Achieving this goal would not be possible without the University’s integration into the international education environment.
On October 1, elections of the President of the Association of International Students among South Ural’s universities took place. Student of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International CommunicationsUvindu Wijeweera became the leader.
SUSU and University Grenoble Alpes, city of Grenoble (France), launch the joint double degree programme in Economics and Management.
Senior students (the 4th year of the bachelor’s programme study and the 5th year of the specialist’s programme study) of SUSU of practically any field of preparation can participate in the programme.
Duration of the programme is 1 year. Mode of study is intra- and extramural or distance learning.
South Ural State University is continuing to expand the borders of its international collaboration. SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov has signed a partnership agreement with Sudan University of Science and Technology, which was represented by Rector Rashid Ahmed Mohamed Hussein. Professor Hussein is also the director of the Department of Research at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Sudan.
South Ural State University entered the Copper League* (Top 500) of the international subject rankings for natural sciences according to the international ranking agency Round University Ranking (RUR Rankings). The university took the 459th place among the world universities and the 15th place among Russian universities.
This is not the first year that South Ural State University cooperates with the National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne (France). Students of both SUSU and the French university have the possibility to gather up experience abroad. Within the period of cooperation, 8 master’s degree students of the SUSU Department of Machines and Processes of Plastic Metal Working completed their study in France on the Master2 program and received master’s degrees at the European university.
A delegation from the SUSU Institute of Law took part in the twelfth session of the Euro-Asian Law Congress on Law and Justice: Global Challenges.
The Congress was held September 13th and 14th, 2018 in Yekaterinburg and was organised by the Association of Russian Lawyers and Ural State Law University. The congress was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Ural State Law University.
On September 21 of 2018, South Ural State University opened another Pushkin Institute Centre in China – at China University of Petroleum (Beijing).
In the course of presentation, Rector of SUSU Aleksandr Shestakov talked about main spheres of the Centre’s activity, targeted at teaching Russian language for Industry 4.0: digital transformations in teaching Russian language using the neural networks learning technology.
On September 19, delegates from South Ural State University including Rector Alexander Shestakov signed an agreement on the opening of the Pushkin Institute at Tianjin Foreign Studies University.
The Pushkin Institute centres open in China as part of the official program by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the program is to promote the Russian language, culture, and education in China.
The main topic of the meeting held at Marche Polytechnic University in Ancona, Italy September 10th through 12th was determining the technical characteristics of internal combustion engines and their impact on the environment. The meeting was attended by industrial partners and participants of Erasmus+ ASIAXIS project.
On September 11th through 14th, the 30th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, the major event in the sphere of higher education in Europe, was held in Geneva (Switzerland). Russian higher education institutions were represented by universities-participants of Project 5-100, South Ural State University among them.
South Ural State University actively develops international relations. Within the celebratory events held on the occasion of SUSU’s 75th anniversary, the Association of International Graduates was established upon an initiative of the International Office with the purpose to form continuous communication between the university and its alumni. One of the university’s successful alumni is Abdullozoda Ramazon Tolibjon, who was given two honorary rewards for outstanding professionalism and contribution to science and education of the Republic of Tajikistan.
On September 6th in the Conference Hall of Sigma Education Building an annual Information Day was held for international freshmen from countries of the near-abroad: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kirghizia. The event was held by Vice-Rector for International Relations Olga Yaroshenko jointly with Head of the International Office Liudmila Lapina.
As Goethe once said, you can only learn what you love doing. That is why every university should make sure students find their calling. Salamat Laikhan from Kazakhstan has heard about the high quality of education at South Ural State University. When thinking about his further studies after he received his Bachelor’s degree, Salamat decided to apply to SUSU hoping to become a professional in metallurgy.
The nature of South Urals is famous for its beauty and diversity. Lakes and mountains of the Chelyabinsk Region spark interest of not only Russians, but also among foreigners. The SUSU Center for Sociocultural Adaptation helps students from other countries discover the most favourite recreation spots of the residents of South Urals.
Recreation outdoors is part of the adaptation for international students. During excursions and trips they not only learn new things about South Urals, but also practice their Russian when communicating with the SUSU volunteers.
A lot of attention at South Ural State University is paid to working with international students. The International Office of SUSU promotes their integration into the new cultural environment. For that purpose, the International Office together with Association of International Students launched a new project.
Students of Huanghe Professional Hydroengineering University (China) successfully completed the courses of the Russian language at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of ILIC. They celebrated their successful admission to the university in the city of Miass.
Center for Sociocultural Adaptation organized an excursion with an extensive program: the students visited Ilmen State Nature Reserve named after V.I. Lenin and Museum of Pelmeni which is the only in the country, as well as had a wonderful rest on the shores of Lake Turgoyak.