
International News

Islamic Banking Boosts Economies in the Middle East and North Africa

Islamic banking is developing at an impressive speed, and for this reason the understanding of this process is of interest to scientists in the context of economic growth of the countries under different economic conditions.

SUSU Staff Members and International Students to Take Part in the Eurasia Global International Forum

The fifth anniversary Eurasia Global International Youth Forum is to be held September 2nd through September 8th in Orenburg. Staff members and international students of South Ural State University have the opportunity to become a part of this major event.

The Forum is a platform for a practice-targeted dialogue between young representatives of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, and is being held for the first time under the aegis of UNESCO.

Over 500 International Applicants Have Submitted Documents to Enrol in SUSU

Foreigners choose SUSU to obtain higher education. Applicants from 29 countries have already submitted their documents to the Admissions Committee 29. Specialists of the International Office are reminding that there is still time to become a SUSU applicant and are answering the most frequently asked questions from international enrolees.

International Online Conference on Philosophical Practice at SUSU Gathered 500 Participants from 52 Countries

Online Conference on Philosophical Practice “Philosophical Practice for Self-knowledge by Means of Intellectual Creativity” was held July 28 through July 31.

Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Took Part in International Round Table

Manipal Institute of Communications, India, under the guidance of Professor Nandini Lakshmikantha, initiated the international round table dedicated to the Communication During COVID-19 and invited representatives of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities to participate in the online forum, among the attendees of which were the Head of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor Liudmila

Graduate from Tajikistan: “SUSU Helps Students to Develop and Opens New Doors”

South Ural State University collaborates with universities in Tajikistan, such as Tajik Technical University named after academic M. Osimi and Russian-Tajik Slavonic University. The projects on two-way exchange of students and academic staff are being fulfilled successfully.

Acceptance of Applications to the Foreign Student Tutoring Team Is Closing

Students of South Ural State University have one last chance to become tutors—assistants and guides for international students who are just beginning their studies at the major university in the South Ural region. Applications are being accepted until July 25.

Students from Iraq and Algeria Successfully Completed Master’s Degree Programmes at SUSU

South Ural State University welcomes international students from 56 countries of the world. Everyone, who comes to study at SUSU, notes the high level of technical equipment of the university laboratories, the kind-heartedness of people and the professionalism of the academic staff. The university offers quotas for international students so that they can continue their studies in Master’s degree programmes. Architecture and construction, IT, and economics are the most popular fields among international students.

“It's Hotter in Chelyabinsk than in Africa”: SUSU International Students on the Weather of the Ural Region

Abubakar Yaro from Côte d’Ivoire and Fidele Benimana from Rwanda came to Chelyabinsk two years ago to apply for South Ural State University. The students note that they have never experienced such hot weather in Russia before.

According to the students, the temperature outside is extremely high and, sometimes, it is even hotter than in Africa, their homeland. Abubakar says that, while living in Chelyabinsk, they got used both to cool weather and winter frosts, but they have not felt the familiar heat for quite a while now.

From Central Asia to the Urals: Applicants Can Submit Documents to SUSU Online

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, higher educational institutions keep functioning, only in a remote mode. All that international applicants need to enrol in a Russian university is the Internet.

SUSU Graduate from India: I Want to Continue My Studies in Postgraduate Programme

South Ural State University invites students from different countries from around the world, providing wide opportunities for education and participation in scientific and research activity. In total, about two thousand students from 56 countries are studying at SUSU. Students from China, India, Algeria, Congo, Cameroon, Tajikistan, Iraq, and Syria engage in interesting scientific projects and events that contribute to international cultural exchange.

“My Goal Is to Become a True Engineer”: a Graduate from Congo Spoke about His Studies at SUSU

Many students from around the world are studying at South Ural State University. Each one of them has their own story: some are just starting their journey and preparing documents for admission, while others have already defended their diplomas and are preparing to fulfil their potential as professionals in their chosen field. Despite their different languages, skin colour, and cultural experiences, students make new friends here, overcome difficulties, obtain interesting opportunities to fulfil their abilities in many fields, and so the university holds a special place in their life. I

SUSU is a Multinational University: How Does It Attract Students from Sudan?

South Ural State University is a multinational university, studying in which are students from 56 countries. In SUSU classrooms one can meet citizens of China, Egypt, Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, and many other countries.

Especially warm relationships have been established between South Ural State University and Sudan: residents of this country proved to be excellent SUSU students, and the leadership of the Republic frequently visits the university for national holidays’ celebrations.

Study Rooms in SUSU Dormitories Equipped with Computers

Now, it is so easy for students, who live in the SUSU dormitories, to study online. Each study room in each dormitory has been equipped with computers with webcams and Internet access. At this point, the students will easily sit their exams and defend their qualification and term papers in accordance with the university regulations.

Student from Yemen Wants to Build a 9-Storey Building

One of the leaders of Russian higher education – South Ural State University (SUSU) – is located at the border of Europe and Asia, in Chelyabinsk. The university is focused on development of large, interdisciplinary projects in the fields of digital industry and artificial intelligence, and carries out research works in the following spheres: Sensors for Industrial Objects; Digital Twins; Energy Conservation; Methods and Means of Information Security; Materials Science; and Ecology.

International Students, Who Did a Great Job during the Russia Day Campaign, Were Awarded Prizes

The participants of the “SUSU Russia Day” campaign had to design a white T-shirt with a thematic Russia Day pattern in the “SUSU Colours of Russia” nomination (#КраскиРоссииЮУрГУ), make a photo and send it in as a picture. 

SUSU International Students Celebrated Russia Day

The Russia Day is a great holiday. It is important for everyone in its own way. SUSU international students believe that Russia has become their second home, that is why June 12th is a special day for them.

Previously on this topic: 

Student from China: Studying at South Ural State University is My Greatest Advantage

One of the leaders of Russian higher education – South Ural State University (SUSU) – is located at the border of Europe and Asia, in Chelyabinsk.
Nowadays 420 Chinese students are successfully studying at SUSU. The most popular programs chosen by Chinese students are International Relations, Philology, Linguistics, Economics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Power Engineering.

Postgraduate Student from Tajikistan Told Why He Chose SUSU for His Research Activity

Шахбоз Кодиров

The potential of South Ural State University is so high that citizens of not only Russia, but also of the neighbouring CIS countries and far abroad, including the Republics of the former USSR, want to get an education and perform research activities here. One of such enquiring minds is a postgraduate student Shahboz Kodirov, a native resident of Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

SUSU Recruits a Team of Tutors for International Students

International students, enrolling at South Ural State University in 2020, will not find themselves lost in an unknown city. A tutor will be helping each student. The process of selecting specialists, who will accompany international students and help them adapt, has started.

International Students Congratulated SUSU on International Day of Russian Language


On the occasion of the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, SUSU presented a video quiz, in which international students answered questions about the life and work of the poet. The poet’s birthday is celebrated on June 6, as is the Day of the Russian Language. Therefore, the video prepared by international students became a congratulation on the international holiday.

Irak Ali: “Russian Language Seems Difficult Only at First”

Admissions campaign for foreign enrollees goes on at SUSU. This year, the university is planning to admit more than 600 students from abroad.

As of today, the university has 19 programmes taught in English, to which foreign citizens may apply.

SUSU Student from Côte d'Ivoire Spoke about His Experience in Online Classes

For a student from Côte d’Ivoire, online classes are not a new experience. Abubakar Yaro highlighted the main pros and cons of this type of education. Why he considers distance learning easier than in-person classes, whether it is possible to keep in touch with classmates during self-isolation, and how students are affected by the online format - we will learn from our interview.

What advantages of online classes have you noticed for yourself?

Self-education in Self-isolation: Read Bestsellers of Chinese Literature

Today we will talk about the literature of China. The authors of the Middle Kingdom (that is China) are not very well known to the Russian mass reader; however, the cultural contacts between our countries are expanding, and an interest in the Chinese literature is growing year after year.

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