
International News

SUSU Develops Collaboration with Universities in Belarus

SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov delivered his report at the Second Forum of the Association of Universities of Belarus and Russia, which was held online on December 14th.

In the course of the Forum, university rectors from Russia and Belarus delivered reports and presentations, exchanged opinions, and discussed the main strategic paths for further development of the bilateral cooperation in education and science.

International Conference on Human Rights Was Held at SUSU


The Institute of Law of South Ural State University held a scientific conference on Human Rights and Gender Justice. The event was also co-organized by the KnowledgeSteez portal, India; Missouri Western State University, USA; University of Maribor, Slovenia; and the high-ranking BRICS Law Journal.

Students from 58 Countries Study at SUSU: Why Does Our University Attract Them?

The popularity of South Ural State University among international applicants is growing every year. Despite the pandemic, the university has surpassed the admission of the previous year, 770 people from 40 countries have become students of the university.

How to Combine Study and Work at SUSU?

South Ural State University is one of the leading Russian multidisciplinary universities with the fundamental scientific basis and high standards of specialist training. The university is multinational and nowadays is a home for more than 2,300 international students from 58 countries.

SUSU Students Can Spend One Semester at European Universities

Students of South Ural State University can take part in competitions for grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and spend one semester at European universities.

Tajikistan Postgraduate Student Develops a Miniature Hydropower Plant

South Ural State University cooperates with universities and educational organisations from all over the world: students actively participate in exchange programs, and new study programs are being opened. While working on his dissertation, a SUSU international student created a project for a miniature hydropower plant (HPP), which can be used for small rivers. This is a very relevant topic for the Republic of Tajikistan, which has large hydropower resources.

SUSU Students Can Apply for Scholarship to Study in Hungary


Tempus Public Foundation has announced the launching of a new course for Russian students willing to apply for a scholarship in Hungary under Stipendium Hungaricum program intended for studying in Hungary (academic mobility for 1-2 semesters). The languages of instruction are both English, and Hungarian.

The participants will be offered free-of-charge studying in one of the universities in Hungary, a monthly scholarship in the amount of 120 euro, free accommodation in a dormitory, and health insurance.

IMSSH Master’s Degree Students Reach New Level of “Eurofactcheck” International Journalism Project

In 2018, the SUSU Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations became a participant of the EUfactcheck international journalism project.

SUSU Strengthens Collaboration with Institutions of Higher Education in Uzbekistan

On Friday, November 27th, an online meeting was held between the Rector of South Ural State University Aleksandr Shestakov and Sherzod Mastafakulov, the Rector of University of Kokand, Uzbekistan. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the collaboration between the two universities in the fields of education and science.

New Project, "Conquering the South Ural", Is Launched for International Students at SUSU

A new project for the university’s international students has been launched at South Ural State University. The main idea of the project is to tell about the South Ural, Chelyabinsk and the region from the point of view of international students and alumni.

SUSU Takes Part in the Russian Educational Exhibition in Mongolia

For the first time the staff members of South Ural State University are taking part in the Russian Educational Exhibition, which will be held in an online format in Mongolia until December 10th.

SUSU Vice-Rector Took Part in the World Women University Presidents Forum for the First Time

The 9th World Women University Presidents Forum (WWUP) was held in November. Reports were presented by the participants online on ZOOM and in person in Xi'an, China. The sections of the 2020 Forum were devoted to global mutual assistance, education in an intercultural context, and innovations in higher education. For the first time, Vice-Rector for International Relations of South Ural State University Olga Yaroshenko delivered a speech at such kind of forum with a report on the "Modern Universities: Global Challenges" in the University Governance and Sustainable Development section.

IMSSH Associate Professor Participates in Filming a Program about Language on Polish Television

Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the SUSU Institute of Media, Social Studies, and Humanities Denis Pelikhov participated in the filming of the TVP Polonia television program "Słownik polsko@polski" (Wroclaw, Poland), dedicated to the Polish language and culture of speech.

SUSU Signed Ten New Agreements with Its Educational Partners

International cooperation is actively developing at South Ural State University. In 2020, the university prepared new agreements on joint work in research and education with foreign universities.

Second Day of Global Smart Industry Conference Wrapped up at SUSU

The three-day Global Smart Industry Forum continues its work at South Ural State University. On the second day of the global conference, world experts in the field of digital technologies took part in the plenary session and online sections.

During the day two of the conference, experts from Russia, Germany, and India spoke online at the plenary session and presented their projects on the digitalization of industrial enterprises, including metallurgical ones.

Volleyball Tournament among International Students Was Held at SUSU

Last week, volleyball tournament among international students was held at the Complex of Physical Culture and Sports of South Ural State University.

Young men and women from different countries of the world actively participate in the sports life of the university: they hold tournaments in futsal, basketball and volleyball, play badminton and table tennis. The International Student Support specialist of the SUSU International Office Valeria Chachina spoke on the organisation of sports events.

Global Smart Industry Forum Takes off at SUSU

The 2020 Global Smart Industry Conference has started its work at SUSU. It is held jointly with the digital industry leader EMERSON Corporation, USA; International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO); International Research and Engineering Society of Instrument Engineers and Metrologists, and the Siberia Section and the South Ural Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

SUSU Is Ready to Host the Global Smart Industry Conference

November 17-19, 2020, the 2020 Global Smart Industry Conference is being held at South Ural State University.

The conference is held jointly with the digital industry leader EMERSON Corporation, USA; International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO); International Research and Engineering Society of Instrument Engineers and Metrologists; and the Siberia Section and the South Ural Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

SUSU Celebrates the Science Day for Peace and Development

Celebrated every 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the significant role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.

Results Tallied in Russian Calligraphy Contest Among Chinese Students


The SUSU Pushkin Institute REC and the Pushkin Institute of the Beijing Language and Culture University has tallied the results of a Russian calligraphy contest among Chinese students.

Participants were asked to complete tasks on special forms. The tasks were aimed at testing their Russian calligraphy skills and knowledge of the alphabet. The contest helps students understand the fundamental difference between printed and written text, which, in turn, contributes to more effective learning.

SUSU International Students Visited Exhibition "Russian Life. Painting of Second Half of Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century"

A group of SUSU international students from China, Syria, Tajikistan and Afghanistan visited the Chelyabinsk Museum of Fine Arts and painted Dymkovo toys (moulded painted clay figures of people and animals).

SUSU International Students Take Care of Environment

SUSU is one of the most famous and important universities in the South Ural. SUSU can give future scientists lots of opportunities to carry out research in different fields of science. It has 3 strategic research directions and one of them is ecology.

Students of Institute of Linguistics and International Communications Participate in RFBR Project

Today much has been said about the young generation of Russian science and its future, but convincing examples to illustrate it are hardly found. Meanwhile, this future lives among us.

International Applicants Choose SUSU

More and more international students choose SUSU to pursue their higher education. In the 2019-2020 academic year, SUSU is home for over 2300 international students from 56 countries. Most of them are from China, Egypt, Iraq, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. Every year SUSU expands its geography and recruits international students from new countries. For example, this year we expect new coming students from Canada, Haiti, Mali, and Burkino Faso.

"SUSU Gave Me Knowledge and Invaluable Experience!": Student from Turkmenistan Tells a Story of Her Success

Gulnara Khodzhieva is a second-year Master's degree student of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications of South Ural State University. According to the girl, the university has been giving her unlimited opportunities for self-fulfilment for five years now. That is why she is an exemplary student and actively takes part in the extracurricular life of the university.

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