The French Version of Has Been Launched


Information about studying in Russia is now available to French-speaking prospective students.

More than 200 million people speak French on almost all continents, this is the official language in 29 countries. The launch of in French will significantly expand the audience of the website aimed at attracting international students to Russian universities.

You can find here all you need to know being an international prospective student: detailed description of more than 3,400 educational programmes in the best state universities in Russia, the possibility to choose a basic programme (Bachelor's, Specialty, Master's, Postgraduate, Residency) or an additional one (preparatory department, summer/winter school, Russian language course and others). Each programme has a detailed description with its cost, duration, language of instruction and contacts of the curator.

The detailed step-by-step instruction on admission to Russian universities is uploaded on the website. In addition, prospective students can register their personal account in StudyinRussia website in order to send an application directly to the universities and receive an answer within ten days.

The website will help you to find out what documents are necessary for an application to a university, about the procedure of diploma legalization, about olympiads for foreignerspreparatory departments and the opportunity to study in English at Russian universities and international educational rankings of universities.

Also you can find information about the government scholarships and the instructions how to apply for it, 170 reviews of international students in Russia, 2000 photographs and 140 videos. If you want to get to know more about student life in Russia, there is a special section on the website on dormitories, student benefits, medical care, transportation, prices, cuisine, leisure, climate, traditions etc. has been launched in early 2016 and now has more than 3,000 visitors per day. In addition to the French version, website is available in four more languages – Russian, English, Chinese and Spanish.


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