Russian Scientists Improved the Reliability of a Turbocharged Engine

The scientists have developed an independent system of turbocharger bearing lubrication and have examined operating parameters of the process of lubrication. An autonomous independent system of lubrication with a hydraulic accumulator has been designed and installed on an experimental engine, and a research stand with systems for monitoring and evaluating oil output parameters has been created. Implementation of the research results into production will extend the life cycle of modern turbochargers.

Autonomous system of lubrication will help extend the life cycle of an engine

SUSU scientists jointly with their colleagues from Kuzbass State Technical University improved an independent system of turbocharger bearing lubrication and examined operating parameters of the process of lubrication.

“Automobiles fitted with a turbocharger allow, at the minimal cost of finalizing the internal combustion engine, to gain an increase in power of 5-60%. However, along with a significant positive effect, we also observe some negative aspects: a significant increase in thermal loads, accelerated aging of oils, an increase in dynamic loads on internal combustion engine elements, pressure drops in intake lines, and an appearance of undesirable troubles such as surge, vibration and noise. We decided to develop an independent system of turbocharger bearing lubrication and of replenishment using built-in hydraulic accumulators when starting the engine, in modes with significant loads at minimum crankshaft speeds or shutting off the engine,” says Аleksandr Gritsenko, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor.

A group of scientists came to the conclusion that under modern operating conditions, turbocharger failures account for up to 27% of the total number of internal combustion engine failures. Such a high failure rate is due to harsh operating conditions, continuous operation and limited bearing capacity of oils and construction materials. To improve the reliability of the turbocharger, it is proposed to introduce an autonomous system of lubrication with an installed hydraulic accumulator.

Extending the life cycle of turbochargers

To examine the process of lubrication, a stand with an independent system of lubrication along with attachable equipment was constructed, tools for measuring the parameters of the working oil were chosen, and experimental data were obtained. The following parameters were monitored: turbocharger rotor speed, oil pressure in front of the bearing without a hydraulic accumulator and with replenishment using a hydraulic accumulator, oil flow and temperature, oil flow time, oil pressure reduction time.

When processing the data, the limits to the system of lubrication working capacity together with the hydraulic accumulator were established.

“As a result of the research, it was found that the bearings of modern turbochargers suffer from “oil starvation”, in which the oil overheats, cokes in the gaps, causing problems with its supply. It is possible to solve the problem of overheating of bearings and oil by installing a hydraulic accumulator in the system of lubrication and continuously replenishing gaps in the bearing with oil during an oil shortage,” says Vladimir Shepelev, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor.

The results of the work can be used by automotive plants, industrial enterprises, as well as educational institutions when studying and refining modern turbocharger units.

Implementation of the research results into production will extend the life cycle of modern turbochargers.

South Ural State University (SUSU) is a university of digital transformations, where innovative research is conducted in most of the priority fields of science and technology development. In accordance with the strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, the university is focused on the development of big scientific interdisciplinary projects in the field of digital industry, materials science, and ecology. In the Year of Science and Technology, SUSU became the winner in the competition under the Priority 2030 program. The university acts as a regional project office of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre (UIREC).



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