SUSU Students Celebrated Tatiana Day

Traditional festivities dedicated to the Russian Students’ Day have been held at South Ural State University.

A thematic quest, dance battles, champagne, and granting wishes of students: Tatiana Day has been merrily and happily celebrated at SUSU. In the university building No.2 a Catch the Student Wave festive program was organised. One of the highlights of the day was the opening of a student coworking loft space, initiated and created by the students themselves.

“We worked as a team on this project, I was one of the artists who brought the creative idea to life,” says SUSU student Danil Makarov. “We wanted to organize a recreation and creativity area where students could meet up, discuss some issues, communicate, and create joint projects.”

The students’ initiative was supported by the SUSU Rector and today, such activists as Nikita Kalyazin, Daria Shakirova, Nikita Zademidko, Danil Makarov, Elizaveta Zhilkina, Valeria Zaripova, Nastya Rezanko, Denis Polurotov and Sonya Zelenskaya have been awarded certificates of appreciation.

“Friends, it is very important to be proactive! We invite you to be active and take part in the creation of new projects that will make your student life brighter and more interesting!” noted Rector Aleksandr Shestakov. He also underlined the fact that the work on developing such educational and creative sites on the territory of the university will continue, so students are expected to take the initiative!

Granting wishes of students is a traditional event organized within the framework of Students’ Day. Wishes are collected in advance: each SUSU student has an opportunity to write about his/her dream to the Rector. These wishes may contain suggestions on improving the educational process, the organisation of events of the university, improving the living conditions in the campus and developing students’ opportunities in extracurricular activities. All letters are reviewed by the Expert Council headed by the Rector, and at the celebration the Rector announces those wishes that will be granted.

“This year, students have wished for new microwave ovens, so all dormitories will be equipped with them. Many students have wished for receiving the university-brand products, so we will prepare these gifts. Every year, students want to get to the SUSU observation deck, so when it gets warmer, we will organize an excursion for them,” says Aleksandr Shestakov. “And one more wish are the creative spaces like the ones we are opening today. We are ready to continue to open similar sites based on students’ layouts.”

The Rector treated the students to champagne, and also remembered his student years. The most memorable event for him were the potato harvesting trips. Aleksandr Shestakov says that there, in the field, the true qualities of a person and a student were manifested, and by his/her attitude to labour one could understand how this person would prove him-/herself in studies.

“I would like to wish students to be “restless”, constantly move forward, and develop. The desire to show oneself in science, creativity, social activities is what characterizes our graduate, a successful person,” highlighted the Rector and wished the graduates success in entering their future life after graduation.

On the celebration day, an unusual quest was prepared for students: they were given record books and sent to interactive stations. Participants had to complete all tasks and receive the passed grades in their record books. During the event the guests were entertained by the creative teams of the SUSU Recreation Centre: Deep Vision Dance Theatre, Male-voice Choir of the SUSU Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Mannequin Theatre Studio, and other teams.

“Today it is a double holiday for me, since my name is Tatiana, and it is great that such an interesting event is organized,” says first-year student of the School of Medical Biology. “We took part in a quest during which I met other SUSU students. In my opinion, such game helps develop communication skills and find friends.”


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