Trade Union Youth from the Chelyabinsk Region Wins All Prizes at the Student Leader of the Ural Federal District Contest

June 28th through July 1st a district round of the Student Leader 2021 All-Russian Contest was held in the Sverdlovsk Region. The event was organized by: All-Russian Union of Education Workers, Student Coordination Council of the Ural Federal District Trade Union, and universities from the Sverdlovsk Region. This contest aims at finding young leaders. The best representatives of student trade unions presented the activities of their organisations, as well as demonstrated their knowledge in legal and regulatory framework and social projects planning.

Representatives of the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions were competing to become the winner. All in all, 8 contestants from 8 universities of the Ural Federal District (members of the All-Russian Union of Education Workers) were participating.

The jury included guests from the Siberian and the Southern Federal Districts, as well as a representative from the Central Office of the All-Russian Union of Education Workers. As a result of eight competition tasks over the three contest days the victors and prize-winners were announced:

  ▫️ 1st place - Vlada Nedotko, South Ural State University

  ▫️ 2nd place - Nikita Maraviev, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

  ▫️ 3rd place - Dina Valeeva, Chelyabinsk State University

For the first time in the contest history, all the winners have turned out to be representing the Chelyabinsk Region. And also, for the first time in 13 years, a representative of South Ural State University has won this contest.

In October the Finals of the 19th Student Leader 2021 All-Russian Contest will be held, and Vlada Nedotko will be representing the Ural Federal District there.

Our congratulations to the winners!



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