A #FindYourDreamJob Series of Meetings with Employers Were Held at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

October through November, the SUSU Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics has held a series of online meetings with employers, the representatives of such companies as CROC, Compass Plus, FUSE8, Everypixel, as well as the Chelyabinsk Regional Centre for Navigation and Information Technologies (i-Territory), Centre for Information and Technical Maintenance, and Centre for Development of Information Technologies.

Students of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Programming: Bachelor’s degree students majoring in Applied Mathematics and Programming, and Master’s degree students of the Applied Mathematics and Programming programme and Software Engineering programme actively participated in the event.

In the course of the meeting, the students were presented the projects of the companies which are being fulfilled right now. The participants of the event were able to get answers on the most important questions of their concern, relevant to the choice of the topics for graduation qualification works and taking internships in IT companies.

“The CROC Company is actively participating in the training of engineers, engaging students in its educational programmes, and taking part in the educational process as a platform for internships and pre-graduation trainings. Students have the opportunity to work on practical tasks, receive qualified support from the CROC employees, and gain practical experience in production activities,” said Director of the Regional Office of the CROC Information Technology Department Petr Gusarov.

According to the director, involving the academic staff of the department into solving real tasks increases the effectiveness of the review and leads to the mutual enrichment of knowledge of all the participants of the process.

“Meetings with students give a chance to tell about our company and its projects, to present our advantages. This year, for example, at the IT-Prof regional competition, one of the projects "Let's Remember Everyone by Name", developed by our specialists jointly with SUSU students, became a laureate. This speaks for the importance and the scale of the work which our specialists are doing. The Department of Process Automation and Web Technologies is working on projects for the authorities, the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region, and such a unique experience can be gained only in our company,” shared Deputy Director of the Regional State Budgetary Institution Chelyabinsk Regional Centre for Navigation and Information Technologies (i-Territory) Mikhail Pichik.

The deputy director also mentioned that the company uses cutting-edge methods of team development, therefore they actively invite students to take internships and to work here in the future.

“Such meetings with representatives of enterprises are of great value, since they allow us to combine the knowledge obtained at the university with the practice that we will encounter at work. At these meetings, we learn about a large number of enterprises working in the IT industry, where we can subsequently be working,” said one of the participants of the meeting, Master's degree student of the Software Engineering programme Vlada Serova.

“We are paying much attention to organizing the collaboration with IT companies, that is why we have launched a series of online meetings with companies which have a representative office in Chelyabinsk. Students and academics will learn about new projects of companies, about tools and programming languages used when fulfilling these projects. This allows to form a vector of teaching new technologies in accordance with the current requirements of the IT industry," shared the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Programming, Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor Alena Zamyshlyaeva.


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