Ministry of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region Held an Open Lecture for the South Urals University Students

An open, online lesson for students of economic and mixed faculties of higher education institutions in our region was dedicated to Economists Day, which is traditionally celebrated in November. The main goal of this event is to establish constructive interaction between the authorities and the young generation, and increase the level of economic literacy of the population of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Within the lecture, more than 100 future specialists in economics and management in SUSU, MGTU, ChelSU, and the Urals Branch of the Financial University introduced the audience to the main fields of socioeconomic politics being implemented by the Ministry. The speakers— Minister Natalia Lugacheva, deputy ministers, and office heads—told the students about strategic planning and forecasting, the national projects Small and Medium-sized Business and Support of Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative, and International Cooperation and Export, the mechanisms of finding investments, developing territories and tourism in the region, and much more.

"It is very important to maintain an open dialogue with the younger generation represented by the future specialists in our field. We hope that students learn something useful for themselves, their research papers, or careers from such a unique lecture. These are people who chose a rather complicated field of professional activity, which means that they were not afraid of responsibility and felt confident about it. These specialists are needed in our Ministry, and at the end of their studies, they can apply for our competitions, and we will be happy to work with them," commented Minister of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk Region, Natalia Lugacheva.

University representatives noted the importance and timeliness of these events. Lecturers, department heads, and students ‑ all praised the fact that the Ministry leadership has taken the initiative to get to know them personally and share their valuable professional information. All of the participants of the lecture emphasized that they would like to repeat this kind of cooperation.

You can watch the full lecture at this link.



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