Regional Certification Centre for Specialists in Project Management Opens at SUSU

The PM STANDART Regional Certification Centre for specialists in project management has opened at South Ural State University.

PM STANDART is a modern Russian system for confirming the qualification of managers and specialists in the field of project management. The centre offers the certification of project managers and implements a program on training for the certification.

Currently, the centre is operating at the Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management of the SUSU School of Economics and Management jointly with the Autonomous Non-profit Organization Centre for Project Management Assessment and Development (АNO TsORPU) in Moscow.

We are inviting heads of companies, project office specialists, program managers, project portfolio managers, heads and managers of projects, and project team members to take training and pass the certification,” Natalia Dzenzeliuk, Head of the SUSU Department of Industrial Economics and Project Management, shared on who can become the program attendees.


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