International Students of SUSU Took Part in Volleyball and Basketball Tournaments

Last weekend, tournaments in basketball and volleyball were held among international students of South Ural State University.

This was the first time that tournaments in volleyball and basketball were held for international students. Each competition featured 5 teams which competed for prize-winning places as well as for the title of the strongest team.

Organiser of the event was SUSU’s Association of International Students, namely the ISTS’s student from Iraq, Syala Ahmed Waad, who is in charge for organising sport activities for international students.

“Usually, I act as a judge at sport events, more often in football. As I have lesser knowledge about basketball and volleyball, this time I participated as a player. I liked it a lot. This was fun. In the future, we are planning to organise similar tournaments many times, because a lot of students want to participate in them.”

The winner and prize holders have been determined in a serious competition.

Basketball tournament among international students:

  • 1st place: Mongolia
  • 2nd place: African countries
  • 3rd place: China

Volleyball tournament among international students:

  • 1st place: Kazakhstan
  • 2nd place: Tajikistan
  • 3rd place: African countries


Association of International Students congratulates prize holders of the tournament!Awarding of the winning and prize-holding team is to take place on April 1.

Marina Kovyazina
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