Graduate of School of Medical Biology, and nowadays a top-manager of the national water company Niagara Denis Baturin graduated from SUSU in 2003 in the specialty “Commodity Expert”. In an exclusive interview with our reporter, Denis Georgievich shared his recollections of the study years at the University, told us how the obtained knowledge help him building a successful career, and also provided some advice to the future graduates.
- Why was it SUSU that you’ve chosen for obtaining your specialty?
- At the moment of my entrance, it was exactly the image of the University as one of the biggest, most influential and multidisciplinary educational institutions of our country that I took into account. Then I narrowed to the areas of study and paid attention to those which would be required after my graduation. I found such areas at the now-former Faculty of Commerce. I entered the University at the period when Russia was actively forming its market and needed specialists in many spheres of business. What prompted me to choose this specialty was our Dean’s speech: “You will always have time to become a businessman, but an expert in commodity is a rare profession.” These words have determined my choice of the specialty “Commodity Science and Expertise”.
- How did study at the University help you?
- Studying at the University helped me to change my perception of the world and the attitude to some aspects of life, different political and other everyday issues. It brought me to a certain cultural level, and provided me with a considerable bundle of knowledge that I always use.
- What was the most memorable episode of your student life?
- There were many of such episodes; my student years are associated with extremely positive emotions, among which are: meeting our group (we only had 4 male students, the others were girls), two years of military training, passing of the State Examination and the graduation ball.
- Who of your professors are best remembered?
- I recall all the professors from the Department of Commodity Science and Expertise of Goods with gratitude; we still keep in touch. And some of my fellow students have become professors and are now working at SUSU.
- How did you professional career develop after the graduation from SUSU?
- My career after the graduation from SUSU has been developing in a company called Niagara. During my fifth year of study, after the pre-graduation practice, I decided to apply there as a marketing specialist. To me, it was the most interesting job at that moment. I proved to be right and never regretted this decision. In a year I became a Head of the Marketing Department, and in 6 years I was offered to become the Director for Strategic Development of the Niagara Company. To sum up, I am still working there with a great pleasure.
- What are your plans for the future?
- The major part of my professional plans is related to the further development of the company as one of the leaders among soft beverages and drinking water suppliers at the Russian market. As for me personally, I’d like to travel the world more frequently and dedicate more time to my hobby – mountain skiing.
- What would you advise for SUSU students and graduates?
- Be thorough about what to expect from your life, and make a conscious choice about your future profession. When choosing a company to commit yourself to, try to consider the company’s potential. Don’t expect to find a good-paid job from the very first days after graduation from the University. What is important – launch your own start-ups and be brave at experimenting while pursuing your dream.