April 9-12, South Ural State University hosted the XV Russian contest between young scientists “A Step into the Future: Junior” organized by South Ural Center “A Step into the Future”.
Pupils of Year 2-7 from schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, and centers for continuing education from the whole country demonstrated their best achievements in different categories: technology and engineering, computer science and software, physics and world studies, chemistry and chemical technology, applied mathematics, biology, and linguistics.
Alexander Proshenko, a jury and a continuing education teacher, noted that the pupils had mesmerized the audience by their ideas.
“We could feel the children’s thirst for knowledge and learning, and they are determined to create things with their own hands. Probably everybody felt they way during their childhood. I used to do model sports, in which the contestants had to drive armoured vehicles. Some inventions the children demonstrated are significant and can be used right now.”
What drove the children to create their inventions? The fifth-grade pupil from Samara Medical Technical Lyceum Alika Avdeyeva believes that “A Step into the Future” is a great opportunity to show your invention. Her creation was a mini-model of the robot, which can clean ponds from litter with the help of a bit net. Alika is determined to continue her project and is thinking about developing a plan for a litter sorting station.
Another contestant Artem Samuseyev from Bratsk (Irkutsk Oblast) has decided to test beverages and hygiene products for their level of acidity. He created test strips and found out that most beverages, especially carbonated ones, have pH less than 7, which means they are acidic. Liquid soap is pH balanced, whereas deodorants have medium acidity.
On April 12, all the contestants received the diplomas and presents from the organizators (South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk Center for Youth Initiatives Support, South Ural Center “Intellectuals of the XXI Century”).
The Russian social program for young people “A Step into the Future” is an established national movement of young scientists, researchers, teachers, and specialists whose aim is to develop the innovative future of Russia. The program was established in 1991, under the alumni’s initiative of Bauman MSTU.
The aim of the program is to educate young scientists so that they create and implement innovations and high technology into Russia’s economy.