Online Upgrade: SUSU Professors Learn About Technologies for Creating Modern Electronic Courses


How can we improve students' motivation to study, especially when the whole academic process is transferred to the online space? How can students be shown that the knowledge they receive in a course can be very helpful in real life and believe in it themselves? How can you make your online course accessible to the audience, but also flexible and adapted to each student? Professors of our university can find out about this and much more through study in the program  entitled “Development of customized courses”.

The program consists of 308 hours and 5 modules:

  • The basics of customization. The main principles and elements of a customized course;
  • Pedagogical design and adaptive testing;
  • Active methods of online education;
  • Moodle: limited gradebook access;
  • Course quality evaluation.

For their final project, each participant, under the guidance of professors, will be able to create a modern online course, potentially ready for implementation into the university’s academic process.

Education is realized within the 5-100 Program (under the project “Implement SUSU E-Learning 2.0: customization of online education using intellectual analysis of educational patterns”). The project is aimed at developing technologies of electronic education in the university, implementation of customized online education and increased competitiveness of the university’s graduates in today’s labor market.

Education in this program will start on the Electronic SUSU portal from April 10th to June 2nd 2017. Per successful mastery of the program, participants will receive a diploma about their professional retraining. You can register for this program up until April 10th through the catalog «Курсы+Ресурсы» (Courses+Resources).


Yulia Rudneva
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