South Ural Region Students to be Told About Masters’ Programs in France


On April 7th in SUSU a presentation will be held about masters' degree programs in France from the cultural and educational organization Alliance Française.

Education abroad is becoming more accessible for Chelyabinsk students. Today, many alumni of South Ural State University are choosing masters’ programs in the best universities around the world, receiving advanced knowledge in various spheres of science and culture. At SUSU, dual-degree programs are being successfully realized with partner-universities abroad. For example, masters’ programs with Clark University (USA) and with Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland).

One more attractive country for study abroad is France, where students can receive quality, and, even better, completely accessible education.

For those who wish to continue their education in France, there will be a presentation at South Ural State University on April 7th at 13:15 in classroom 1007, entitled “Masters’ programs in France. Academic scholarships,” which will be held by Alena Chaplygina, representative of the non-commercial educational organization Alliance Française (Yekaterinburg). It will be possible to receive all the information about the higher education system in France, about the transferability of Russian and French degrees, how to correctly choose the most appropriate academic program in France, and how to find housing during studies. The Alliance Française representative will also discuss the possibilities of receiving scholarships for education in France. She will answer all questions of interest to students, give valuable advice, and help with program selection.

Please direct all questions to the SUSU Office of International Affairs:
Ivleva Darya Aleksandrovna, ivlevada[at]susu[dot]ru.

Event date: 
Friday, 7 April, 2017 - 13:15
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