SUSU will Held the Collegiate Programming Contest


This Saturday on April 2 SUSU will held the collegiate programming contest “Prime Time” among bachelor’s and master’s degree students. 

During 5 hours teams comprised of 2-3 people will develop mathematical algorithms and write program codes, solving unconventional problems as quick as possible. The participants should apply their knowledge in the field of mathematics and programming to become a finalist. 

 “A competition is litmus paper. It helps trainers to understand what form sportsmen are in and select those who will continue a path according to stages of the ACM Contest. The best participants will get a prize from “” and an opportunity to complete training at School of Machine Learning,” Albina Sabitova, HR Director of “PressFoto”, which is one of the organizers of the contest, says. 

The contest is considered as a preparation for the ACM ICPC, which is the most prestigious student Olympiad. Quite often among participants of “Prime Time” one can find beginners and professionals who are included in the Top-1000 list of the world’s best sportsmen.

The Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science of SUSU with the help of “PressFoto” organizes the “Prime Time” competition twice a year: there are individual competitions in autumn, and the team contest, in spring.

This year the Youth Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk region is one of the partners of this event.

Where: Room 336, 3b academic building, SUSU

When: April 2, 13:00 – 19:00.




Контактное лицо по новости: Юлия Шамсутдинова, тел.: 267-99-83
Event date: 
Saturday, 2 April, 2016 - 13:00 to 19:00
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