Master Students of IETT Has Successfully Defended Their Dissertations on Economic Analysis and Controlling of Enterprises

At the end of the outgoing year defense of master's theses on the program ‘Economic Analysis and Controlling of an Industrial Enterprise’ was held on the Department of Business Evaluation and Competitiveness of the Institute of Economics, Trade, and Technology. Most master students work at large enterprises of the city and the region. They have chosen post graduate education consciously with the aim to improve the skills and career development.

Master student Denis Akmurzin works at Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. Denis is confident that master education with the major in economics will give its benefits in the application of practical knowledge and career growth. Denis has chosen the theme of his master's thesis, ‘Investment Policy of a Large Industrial Enterprise on the Example of Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant’, not by chance: the intricacies of economic development of the native enterprises need to be understood thoroughly.

Master student Tatiana Grigorenko also works at Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant. ‘By my first degree I am an economist with the specialty in law, - says Tatiana, - in the process of getting my master education for me it was important to strengthen the financial block of knowledge. Particularly useful areas of study for the workflow are financial analysis and controlling of cash flows.

Master students have noted special importance of applied economical analysis, resource theory of a firm and resource analysis, financial management, strategic and competitive analysis, managerial accounting of business processes, managerial analysis, managerial strategies of expenditures, and other professional disciplines.

Member of Certification Commission, chief economist of Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, P.A. Pozdeev, summarizing the impression from the defense of theses has mentioned the topical character of the topics, professional courage of master students, deep understanding of economic situation in the country, and skills of finding non-standard anti-crisis decisions. ‘Cooperation in the matter of master education is fruitful, - said Pavel Andreevich, - I hope that it will continue in the future.’

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