VI Festival of Culinary Art

One of the significant events of 2012 at Food Technology Faculty was "VI Interregional Youth Festival of Culinary Art" which took place on the 30th of November.
That day was very frosty reminding us that the winter had already come. Despite frosty weather the audience was quite active and that heated up the interest to the event.
From the very morning in the second building of South Ural State University the registration of the participants and meeting with jury took place. In the hall of the second building on the second floor there was the opening ceremony of the Festival. The participants of the Festival came from different parts of Chelyabinsk region to demonstrate their skills and of course to share their experience not only with the professors but with the other participants of the event.
The competition "Confectionary Art" took place on the 3d floor of the second building. The participants presented to the jury a great number of confectionary products of different shape, size and content. The jury was surprised by the variety of cakes done with the help of icing which allowed to form any shape and colour so that the participants could realize all their ideas. The guests of the Festival were greatly impressed by the "masterpieces" of culinary art.
Also at that competition the participants presented the confectionary products of the particular style, of course, the New Year style was very popular: "Christmas Tree from Eclair", "Houses from Biscuit" decorated with souffle sweetmeat, marmalade and cream. It was very hard to pass them by.
On the second floor of the same building the competition "Culinary Art and Service-Class" took place. There was a special atmosphere of the event where the jury could estimate the skills of the participants in serving the table. Every served table was worth seeing. The styles of serving were defferent: from romantic to New Year. The originality of the dishes was marked by the jury.
In the fifth University building the competition "Art-Class" took place where there were a lot of guests and participants. All the works were done in defferent topics, styles and made of different materials. The works were unusual though the participants managed to represent them.
In SUSU Assembly Hall of the main building the competition "Art-Model" was organized. Every participant of that competition represented his own unique dress made of food products. The creativity was the main peculiarity of the competition. The participants should create the dress then did a unique presentation. The task was really hard but the students managed to do it and they did it with a great success! It was not so easy for the jury to determine the winners but all those guys who got the awards were worth them.
The main results of the VI Interregional Youth Festival of Culinary Art were, first of all, a great interest to that event, then the activity of the participants in all the competitions and, of course, invaluable experience of the future applicants of Food Technology Faculty and SUSU in whole.
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