SUSU Received Environmental Standard Conformity Mark of the Chelyabinsk Region

At a meeting of the Coordination Council on Ecology (Eco-Council) under the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, Alexey Texler summed up the results of work over 2024. The heads of the Eco-Council working groups "Air Protection", "Waste Management", "Water Resources Conservation", "Biodiversity Conservation, Development of Protected Areas and Eco-Tourism" spoke about the activities completed and planned areas of activity for 2025.

"Today, there is a comprehensive air monitoring system created in our region, industrial enterprises have significantly reduced the volume of emissions into the air, big-scale projects for landfill reclamation have been implemented, and big-scale work is underway to design treatment and hydraulic structures," said SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner. "Indeed, a huge amount of work has been done, the successes of the Chelyabinsk Region are noted at the highest level, and the format of interaction between all interested parties is successfully scaled up in other regions of Russia. Thanks to Alexey Texler, colossal funds from the federal budget have been sent to our region to implement projects that already demonstrate an improvement in the environmental situation and in the quality of life in our region. At the meeting of the Coordinating Council, plans for further work were discussed; the main tasks, expected results and deadlines were formulated; and new areas of work were outlined."

SUSU has been actively involved in environmental issues in recent years. The university has made significant progress in developing an automated environmental monitoring system. In 2025, the university will accredit a new environmental analytics laboratory and open a new educational programme in hydraulic engineering and treatment facilities. The experts of the Coordinating Council highly appreciated the developments by SUSU scientists and supported the proposals and work plans for the next period.

Chairman of the Coordination Council under the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region on Environmental Issues Rashid Ismailov presented South Ural State University with the Mark of Conformity to the Environmental Standard of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Director of the SUSU Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and representative of the university in the Ecological Council Alena Zamyshlyaeva received a letter of acknowledgement from the Governor for her active work in environmental protection and personal contribution to the preservation of environmental culture in the Chelyabinsk Region.

“It is very important that we are heard as experts, and that such innovative developments of the university as digital solutions in the field of environmental monitoring AIMS Eco, Ecomonitor, Predictive Emission Monitoring System (PEMS), Intelligent System of Thermal and Video Surveillance of Emission Sources based on video camera data, and others are supported,” noted Alena Zamyshlyaeva. “They have been mentioned in the report of the working group on air and at today's meeting.”

A letter of acknowledgement from the Minister of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region for active work in the field of environmental protection, encouraging environmental culture and caring attitude, and preserving nature was presented to a representative of the university, Director of the SUSU Institute of Law Elena Titova, who actively participates in the expert review of draft regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental protection.

Екатерина Больных
Event date: 
Monday, 10 February, 2025 - 10:30
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