Music of Translation Contest Held at the Institute of Linguistics and International Communications

The Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications is summing up the results of the Music of Translation contest, in which the genre that has gained particular popularity in the Internet space, memes, has been proposed as a competition task. If last year the participants were offered to try their hand at translating Internet memes from Russian into English, then this year the English-language Internet memes have been used as the competition task.

When translating Internet memes from English into Russian, it was necessary to pay attention not only to their linguistic component, but also to the visual image. The jury assessed not only the translation techniques, but also the non-standard approach to transmitting the image (preserving the original picture, searching for your own picture, etc.). The participants had to make their translations interesting, funny and understandable to the reader.

About 50 translations completed by participants from different cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Pyatigorsk, Tomsk, and Chelyabinsk, were submitted. The contestants were students of both in linguistic and non-linguistic specialities. It was decided to distribute the prizes in the specified categories.

Linguistic specialities
1st place – Elizaveta Koshkarova (St Petersburg University, St. Petersburg)
2nd place – Yulia Burylova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm)
3rd place – Aleksey Novichkov (Pyatigorsk State University, Pyatigorsk)

Non-linguistic specialities
1st place – Darya Boldyreva (Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh)
2nd place – Dair Akhmetov (Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk)
Diana Pavlova (St Petersburg University, St. Petersburg)
3rd place – Aleksandra Mironova (Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk)

Our congratulations to the winners of this contest on receiving certificates of appreciation and valuable prizes!

The organizers wish all the contestants to improve their translation skills and hope to see them among the participants in the next competitions! And remember that there is no such thing as a flawless, ideal or correct translation. What is valuable, as poet and translator Vladimir Mikushevich rightly noted, is “not the similarity, but the kinship between the translation and the original.”

The department also thanks the organizing committee and the jury of the contest: teaching staff of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies: Natalia Koshkarova, Elena Shchelkanova, and Ksenia Guzhakovskaya.

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