New Year’s Greetings from SUSU Rector Alexander Wagner

Dear friends!

Mere days are left till the bells in the Kremlin Clock tower will chime and we will great the new year. It will happen very soon. This is a wonderful holiday that every one of us loves since our childhood days. When we think about it, we feel the warmth of our home and remember nice family traditions. And so, as the tradition goes, our big university family reviews the results of the year that is ending and builds plans for the future.

It has been a fruitful year. It has added to our wealth of knowledge, left us with bright impressions, taught us a lot and made us stronger. We may be proud of the results of our work and the pace of development of South Ural State University.

Thank you for your successes in your work, studies, science, public life, creativity and sports! We feel confident about our future. I am sure that the obtained results help build a solid foundation for future achievements. New challenges are ahead, and if we join our efforts, we will definitely cope with them.

May the year of 2025, that is about to start, will become a victory year! May it bring joyful events, positive emotions, interesting meetings and new opportunities! May it become a happy year for you and your near and dear ones!

Happy New Year, dear friends! My most sincere wishes of good health, family wellbeing, peace of mind and festive mood to you!

Peace and goodness, inspiration and creativity, success in all your endeavours and new achievements for the benefit of our university, our region and our country!

Alexander Wagner, Rector of South Ural State University

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