“Good Luck, Friendship, Victories!”: International Futsal Tournament among Teams of the BRICS Countries Started

At the initiative of the Institute of Law of South Ural State University, the International Futsal Tournament among the teams of the BRICS countries is organised at the Dynamo sports club December 18th through December 20th.

The opening ceremony of the tournament was attended by the Director of the Institute of Law Elena Titova, First Deputy Chairman of the Dynamo Society Chelyabinsk Regional Organisation Vladimir Pakhomov, Deputy Chairman of the Dynamo Society Chelyabinsk Regional Organisation Anatoliy Sitnikov, Deputy Chairman of the Dynamo Society Chelyabinsk Regional Organisation Sergey Bolgar, senior lecturer of the Department of Judicial and Law Enforcement Activities and chief arbiter of the tournament Pavel Kosterkin, President of Association of International Students Edgar Altukhanov.

Director of the Institute of Law Elena Titova gave the welcome speech:

“Today, for the first time, at the initiative of the SUSU Institute of Law, a futsal tournament among student teams from different countries is being held. The tournament participants were athletes from Yemen, Egypt, China, India, and Russia. We are very pleased that this tournament will be held within the walls of the oldest sports society “Dynamo”. We would like to wish the competition between the teams to stay only in a sports format. And the event itself is primarily held to unite students from different countries.”

At the tournament, Russia is represented by two teams at once: the Institute of Law team and the Dynamo team.

At the opening ceremony, all teams gathered on the field to greet each other and wish their opponents a fair game.

“Today is an important day for the Institute of Law and for the entire SUSU: we are holding the first international competition, that is a futsal tournament. Such an event is unusual for the whole Chelyabinsk Region. I wish everyone success in sports, creativity in the fight for the ball and for points!” noted Pavel Kosterkin. President of Association of International Students Edgar Altukhanov, on behalf of all international students, thanked everyone for the opportunity to participate in the tournament.

“I am glad to greet all athletes and guests here. We are very grateful to the Institute of Law for inviting us to participate in the futsal tournament and creating all the conditions for us. This tournament is not just a sports event, but also a symbol of friendship and unity of peoples.”

The futsal tournament is a real sports holiday, where each team deserves to win. Audience will be able to see nine matches filled with adrenaline and emotions, and athletes will show their best results.

A player of the Institute of Law team Aleksandr Tlustiy shared his expectations of the upcoming tournament:

“Our friendly team has been demonstrating the strength of the Institute of Law for several years now. We are here to win. It is very joyful that SUSU is organizing such a big-scale tournament, in which teams from different countries are engaged. For us, this is an opportunity to make friends with athletes from other countries and, perhaps, learn something from them.”

We wish everyone good luck and a fair victory! You can check out the schedule of the games below.

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