"Heart of the Urals" Advanced Engineering School and Ural Diesel Engine Plant Join Efforts for Industrial Engines Import Substitution

In the context of global economic challenges, South Ural State University jointly with Ural Diesel Engine Plant (UDMZ) are working on an ambitious project to engineer gas piston engines for industrial needs. This project, being implemented within the framework of the "Heart of the Urals" Advanced Engineering School of Engine Building and Special Equipment, is aimed at creating domestic technologies capable of replacing imported analogues. The team of developers has already begun manufacturing prototypes of the system components, which will be tested on laboratory benches.

The main goal of the project is to create a set of technical solutions for the production of industrial gas piston engines 18.5/21.5 in size. Such engines are intended for use in heavy equipment, energy, shipping and other industries that require reliable and powerful energy sources, as well as in remote regions of the Arctic and the North, where the construction of power lines is impractical.

"The development of domestic gas piston engines will not only reduce dependence on imports, but will also effectively use associated gas, which is currently often burned into the atmosphere, creating environmental problems. New engines will be able to convert this gas into energy and supply electricity and heat for remote villages," says Aleksandr Popov, head of the "Engines for Sustainable Development" project within the educational programme of the "Heart of the Urals" Advanced Engineering School.

In 2023, the project received state funding from the Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre (UIREC), created as part of the Science and Universities national project. This made it possible to move on to the development of specific technical solutions. In autumn of 2024, the production of prototypes of pistons, cylinder heads and ignition systems began. These components will be tested in laboratory conditions, and in the spring of next year − on factory stands.

"The project is developing and gaining momentum. We are actively cooperating with UDMZ, which provides funding for individual stages and its facilities for testing," notes Aleksandr Popov.

If the tests are successful, then the assembly of the developed components into a basic engine and full-scale tests are planned for next spring. The presentation of the first full-fledged prototypes is expected in December of 2025. In the future, the project will be scaled up and the engines being created will be able to compete with imported analogues in terms of power and efficiency.

"One of the key challenges is to ensure that gas engines deliver at least 80% of the power of their diesel counterparts. If a gas engine only produces half the power, it will become inefficient and unattractive for use. Therefore, special attention is paid to testing and quality control at all stages of development," the project manager emphasizes.

UDMZ's participation in the project allows for the integration of scientific research and practical development, creating unique solutions adapted to Russian conditions. This approach allows not only to replace imports, but also to significantly increase the efficiency and reliability of the engines being created.

"We do not follow the path of reengineering existing foreign engines. Instead, we develop our own technologies based on scientific research and calculations. This allows us to minimize risks and create a product that fully meets our requirements," adds Aleksandr Popov.

The project on developing gas piston engines is an important step towards import substitution and increasing Russia's energy independence. Successful implementation of the project will help not only replace imported engines, but also create new jobs, stimulate the development of scientific research and strengthen the position of Russian manufacturers in the domestic and international markets.

The Advanced Engineering Schools federal project is being implemented within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation on the "Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation".

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