Environmental Forum Will Be Held at SUSU

An Open Forum on Environmental Issues and the Conservation of Water Bodies will be held in Chelyabinsk. South Ural State University will act as one of the venues.

On May 24th, SUSU will host a plenary session and a science-to-practice conference, where work on 26 thematic platforms is planned. And on May 25th, all municipalities in the region will host events within the framework of international and all-Russian events − "Garden of Memory", "Water of Russia", "Green Spring", and regional campaigns ("Razdeliayka", "Battery Recycling", "All Technological Scrap – for Recycling!").

Issues of water resource conservation are closely interconnected with such issues as waste recycling, compliance with special regimes in specially protected natural areas, atmospheric air protection and a number of others.

Therefore, this year the main topics for discussion will be the conservation of natural resources, strengthening environmental safety, the formation of an environmental culture, and others.

The main goal of the forum is to create an open communication platform in the region to expand multilateral cooperation on environmental issues. The discussion will include issues of preserving biological diversity, the development of eco-tourism in specially protected natural areas, current issues on the protection of water bodies, features of organizing the protection of atmospheric air, a circular economy in the field of waste management, separate collection of solid household waste, a strategy for the development of environmental education, environmental volunteering and many others.

The forum is held in support of the events of the Ecology national project of the all-Russian campaign "Water of Russia".


Event date: 
Friday, 24 May, 2024 - 09:00
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