On November 12th, the second Open House Day in this academic year was held in the main academic building of South Ural State University, where future applicants were able to get to know schools and institutes better at master classes, and parents learned about the new admission rules for 2024.
While the future applicants took part in fascinating master classes from teachers of SUSU schools and institutes, the Head of the Department for Strategic Work with Applicants Iuliia Bolotina told their parents gathered in the Activity Hall about the current admission rules, and also drew attention to those points that may change.
First of all, Iuliia noted that all universities in the Russian Federation published the current admission rules dated November 1st, but with a note that changes are possible in them that will affect the technology of participation in the competition for state-funded places.
Some changes have already come into force and, thus, the number of state-funded places in all university majors will be published after January 20th.
On June 20th, university admissions committees will begin work across our country. From this day the acceptance of documents for participation in the competition for state-funded places starts. Each applicant has the right to apply for participation in a competition for state-funded places in 5 Russian universities in no more than 5 training programs in each. It is important to note that the applicant must have the Unified State Examination (USE) subjects passed in these areas of study.
Applicants who have completed secondary general education (11 forms) have the right to enrol only based on the USE results, and applicants who have a secondary vocational education are admitted according to internal entrance examinations, but there are training programs that still require future students to provide the USE results.
It is important to pay attention to the deadline for accepting documents:
- for applicants to study without passing entrance tests conducted by the organization independently – July 25th;
- for applicants who have passed additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation – July 9th;
- for applicants who have passed entrance tests conducted by the organization independently – July 20th.
Important dates for applicants are also July 27th, when ranked lists of applicants are published; on July 29th-30th, an order for enrolment of quota-category applicants will be issued, and on August 4th-9th, an order for admission as the result of the general competition will be published.
Iuliia Bolotina noted that the following changes are possible in the admission rules: according to the current rules, on August 3rd, before 12:00 Moscow time, the applicants will have to check the box next to the university in the Gosuslugi State Services portal, where they are ready to provide the originals of their documents or bring them personally to the admissions committee of the university chosen. If changes are made to this point, then the applicants will not be able to choose the university where they will submit their documents since the portal itself determines the major where the applicant is going. If the applicants do not agree with this decision, then within the period from July 27th through July 30th they must write a refusal of the state-funded place, but at the same time they do not have the right to budget this year. And according to the new rules, enrolment will take place from August 1st through August 3rd.
The methods of submitting documents to universities have remained unchanged. You can visit the university admissions office in person, submit documents on the university website, via the Gosuslugi State Services portal, or by postal services. The required documents include passport, SNILS (individual insurance account number), certificate/diploma, and documents confirming individual achievements.
"By coming to the SUSU Admissions Committee to submit documents in person, you get several advantages. You have the opportunity to get advice from experts in various training programs. At our university, the experts are the teaching staff members of each school and institute who have at least 5 years of experience in career guidance," noted Iuliia Bolotina.
For admission to the university in 2024, the USE results of 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 are valid. It is important that the Russian language is compulsory in all Russian universities in all majors, followed by a specialized subject, and the 3rd exam, which is required for admission, is an alternative one.
The minimum USE scores have not changed compared to last year, but differ from the minimum scores of Rosobrnadzor, which are used to determine whether a senior high school student has passed the USE or not. If in at least one subject with which an applicant is admitted, the score is lower than that stated by the university, then in the current year s/he has no right to enrol in either a state-funded or contract form of education.
South Ural State University may give up to 10 additional points for the following individual achievements:
- Having the status of champion or medallist of the Olympic/Paralympic Games, World or European champion – 10 points.
- Having the status of World champion, European champion, winner of the World Championship in those sports that are not included in the Olympic Games – 10 points.
- Having a gold GTO Pin – 6 points, silver one – 4 points, bronze one – 2 points.
- Availability of the sports category of Candidate Master of Sports of Russia – 6 points, Master of Sports of Russia – 8 points.
- Having the status of Champion of Russia, prize-winner of the Russian Championship, winner or prize-winner of the Russian Championship in various sports – 8 points.
- Gold or silver medal upon graduation from high school – 10 points.
- Participation in the Zvezda (Star) Olympiad: 1st place – 10 points, 2nd place – 8 points, 3rd place – 6 points, participation in the final stage (10th and 11th forms) – 3 points. At the same time, if an applicant has become a prize-winner or winner of the Zvezda (Star) Olympiad in the areas of Natural Sciences, and Engineering and Technology, passed the Unified State Examination in a major subject with 75 points or more, then s/he has the right to enter the university without entrance examinations outside the competition for state-funded place.
- Service in the Russian Army – 10 points.
- Combatant or veteran of combat operations – 10 points.
The total amount of additional points cannot exceed 10.
Also, a representative of the Military Training Centre of South Ural State University spoke to the parents of future applicants and talked about who can enlist in the service and what military specialty they can receive. The presence of the military training centre at a university is a very important advantage when choosing a university. Every young man who entered SUSU, regardless of the training program, contract or state-funded form of study, has the right to receive a military specialty and a military service card upon graduation.
"219 educational programs are being implemented at SUSU, which opens up many opportunities for students. The university is also actively developing and participating in various projects, such as Project 5-100 and Priority 2030, what allows for the creation of new research laboratories. This significantly enriches the educational process and helps students acquire new knowledge and skills.
One of the important criteria for choosing a university is connections with employers. Today, there are 98 employers from the Ural region and beyond with whom SUSU cooperates, which allows students to undergo internships and choose the most interesting places for employment. It is also worth noting that 20 enterprises of the Ural Federal District enter into contracts with our students for targeted training. This allows students to receive financial aid, scholarships and other types of support.
The university also offers a variety of sporting and creativity opportunities. We have a large sports centre with a swimming pool, an athletics arena and 18 halls for fitness and athletic gymnastics. We also have a Creativity Centre where students can realize themselves in various groups and teams. In addition, we actively support social and volunteer initiatives, which helps students develop their social and digital competencies.
We also provide students with accommodation in dormitories both on a state-funded and contract basis," Iuliia Bolotina spoke about the advantages of SUSU.
At the end of the meeting, Iuliia Bolotina held a series of consultations on preferential categories of university entrants. More information about preferential categories and admission rules for them can be found in the information page on the SUSU website.
The next Open House Day is planned for January 2024.