The International Industrial Exhibition INNOPROM 2023 will be held in Ekaterinburg July 10th through 13th 2023. At the stand presenting the work of the Chelyabinsk Region, South Ural State University will present its developments in aerospace, ecology, transport engineering, and new technologies and materials. These exhibits are aimed at achieving technological sovereignty.
The theme of Russia’s main industrial exhibition is Sustainable Production: Strategies for Renewal. More than 400 exhibitors and roughly 60 representatives of Russian regions are participating in the exhibition. Belarus is a partner country in organising and holding the exhibition. The exhibition is held with the support of Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Russian Government; Denis Manturov, Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; and other leaders.
"At INNOPROM 2023, SUSU was entrusted to present projects implemented with the financial support of the Chelyabinsk Region and carried out with industrial partners. Some of SUSU's breakthrough projects are being implemented for several years now, while others are just at the beginning of their journey. Here you can clearly see the relationship between science and business," says Anton Korzhov, First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Research.
Alexey Texler, Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, paid special attention to the SUSU exhibit. The head of the region noted the relevance of the operational properties of new polyurethanes, the uniqueness of the operating principle of the Komega-P1O overhead hydroacoustic flowmeter, and the technology of processing technogenic waste.
Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see the results of the leading projects of the Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre for Advanced Industrial Technologies and Materials (UIREC) including a project to create a propulsion system for a reusable single-stage reentry vehicle. The project will significantly reduce the cost of space launches.
"Today we are presenting a model propulsion system with a cooled centre body, operating on a gaseous oxygen, gaseous hydrogen fuel pair. This year, we plan to create a model using this fuel vapour with extended operating time, as well as a control system demonstrator that will perform vertical take-off, movement and landing," comments Ruslan Peshkov, Head of the Laboratory for Launch Vehicles and Unmanned and Aerospace Vehicles.
SUSU will present other UIREC projects, in particular, the Ecomonitor environmental monitoring system, models of tracking hydraulic drives with hydrostatic guides, exhibits made of polyurethanes that do not contain isocyanates, and exhibits of cast iron grinding bodies made of copper smelting slag.
"As part of the import substitution programme, an innovative material is being developed with SUSU scientists—isocyanate polyurethane, which is unparalleled in Russia and abroad. This material is intended to replace the existing polyurethane consisting of polyonate and isocyanate. At the moment isocyanates are not produced in Russia. Now we are working on materials for the construction, energy, and oil and gas industries. In the future, the project team will have to work on increasing the strength of the new material and reducing its production cost. By 2024, we plan to launch production of the material," shared Vladimir Tolkach, General Director of the Modern Insulation Technologies plant.
The INNOPROM 2023 exhibition also presents a unique project to create vehicles for the Far North. One of them is the Arctic Bus, developed by SUSU scientists with colleagues from Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow) with production support from the Ural Automobile Plant (Miass).
"The Arctic bus is designed for transporting people in the Far North. To solve a number of tasks, the bus can be equipped with a trailer for transporting functional modules: medical and utilities modules. We are developing technical solutions aimed at improving the performance of vehicles in low temperatures: calculations, modelling, development of documentation of individual units and assemblies of vehicles were carried out. Beginning next year, the URAL automobile plant will start manufacturing the vehicles as a mass production," explains Sergey Taran, Director of the SUSU Computer Engineering Centre.
During the three days of the exhibition, a number of events await the participants of the event: plenary sessions, round tables, industrial dialogues.
Alexander Wagner, SUSU Rector, will participate in three panel discussions on partnerships between universities and companies of the real sector of the economy, on scientific and educational development of universities in Russia and the Republic of Belarus, and on the introduction of innovative products and technologies into practical use.
Aleksandr Shestakov, President of SUSU, and Leonid Sokolinsky, Chief Researcher of the SUSU Research & Innovation Services, will participate in the discussion of such topics as Personnel Sovereignty for Achieving Technological Independence of the Country, and The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Industry.
South Ural State University is a university of transformations, where innovative research is conducted in most of the priority fields of science and technology development. In accordance with the strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, the university is focused on the development of big scientific interdisciplinary projects in the field of digital industry, materials science, and ecology. In 2021 SUSU became the winner in the competition under the Priority 2030 program. The university acts as a regional project office of the World-class Ural Interregional Research and Education Centre (UIREC), which is aimed at solving the tasks of the Science and Universities National Project.